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Shoreline Festival – July 21, 22, 23, 2006


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Lorda has made it home!!! Thanks to Punk and Bug for a fabulous fackin week in PEI. Shoreline was a fantastic time too bad it rained a bit but regardless it was a blast. Pleasure to party with and meet Schwa and Kooky, christ i haven't laughed so much in years. Thanks to Bitsy, Tuglets, Dinghy, Asparagus, Freeker, Sloth, LoMac, Punk and Bug as well for a week me and Sunshine won't soon forget. Chris what was your snails name again, im tryin to remember???? I want to live in PEI!!!!

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Had a great time at shoreline! Yes it rained, and rained some more, but it was all part of the adventure.

We had the most amazing vacation and thanks to Punk and Bug for the awesome time in North Rustico.

And thanks to Freaker and Asparagus for providing entertainment for Gateaux and I as we packed up this morning at 7 a.m! Didn't think I would be able to make the 14 hour journey in one day.....already miss PEI!

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But someone should really kick Punk in the ass...after all, he extended the invitation for everyone to come and visit and then he forgets to get the weather looked after??? Talk about dropping the ball... ;)

Too bad about the rain and other crapola that shat on the last day but I'm sure the Punk's house was a messy pot of skank-chowder...wish I could've been there for that one!!!

Safe travels for all those heading off the island...don't fall off the bridge!!!

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This was posted on jamhub...

Dear Dave-

Its time to explain to the people what really happened. Greed and meglomania. How dare you. You are not worthy to promote music. I have known you for years and your underhandedness and paranoia have been ever apparent. Where to begin?

First apologies to all of your out of province guests- throughout the Maritimes and Canada. Second, the performances were fantastic- nothing was going wrong until you decided to exercise your so called "power" and do what in my memory has never benn done-cancel the festival because of weather. What utter bullshit. Dave Christian, is it not true that when I talked to you Sunday afternoon you admitted to me in front of witnesses the real reason you canceled the show. $$$. Lets examine the situation. Sunday was a big day. Going against the normal festival norms (for the Maritimes) you had a stacked line-up. A line up that cost a lot of $$$$. Oh how I emphasize. So was it for profit or to cut your losses? How did the bands for Sunday know on Saturday afternoon they weren't coming? You made your decision and my friend it was not well advised. You have burned bridges on PEI for years and years. You have pissed off and been just plain mean to bar owners, musicians and fans alike. Where is the refund? Where is the make-up show? Where is the integrity? The irony is the very band you booked to headline-De la Soul talked about you in a song called "Pass the Plugs" "Pimp-Promoters"

Next lets examine you relationship with your PEI acts. Now I only speak for myself and my band (although I have discussed the situation with my fellow peers) but you treated us like like second class citizens of the "Dave Christian Empire." My band received $250.00 for an excellent set. Last year we received $500.00. When I mentioned this to you your EGO decided to threaten us and we ate your shit. No more. Last year you bumped us last minute from one am to five am because of another pimp-promoter's agenda -Craig Mercer. You tried to do a good thing and you failed. Although I ate your shit for years -oh Dave no more. I really plugged for you. I thought what you were doing was good for PEI and the East. Wrong. I pray with all my heart that you never promote another show again. Anywhere. Anytime. Once again you have proven yourself unworthy to handle music.

How is it that I have put you on the guest list for our ECMA show, our CD release and our Jazz festival showcase and you cannot return the favor with one pass for my lady? We received $250.00- her ticket was $130.00. What a fucking farce. Yes you are a god. Yes you are in this for the "right reasons." No. No. No. You have done this to yourself. We will never work with you again. We will not eat your shit anymore. I am throwing it at you. Your shit. People speak your minds. Speak the truth. I am not out to get anyone. You have compelled me to write this. I stake my reputation on the line with this letter. I know what you did. Is it forgivable? Yes. Will you seek forgiveness?...

Music is sacred. I play it and live it. You promote it. Badly. A true promoter goes down with the ship. A true promoter goes down with the ship. Ahhh...a true prometer goes down with the ship. How do you not know this? Bring your spin brother- Ill wait for action or lack there of. During our conversation today I gave you a chance to redeem a horrible decision. Dave I dont hate you. We are humans, fallible. However you did not offend just me with this gross misconduct- you took the entire music community of the EAST hostage- for MONEY

Your bills were huge- yes.

Your budgeting skills are sub-par.. Yes.

Infamous-from this day on.

Im sorry Dave- I wish you no ill-will. I do my best to be compassionate. To see the angles. You have a responsibility as a promoter of a festival of this magnitude. Budget. Go down with sinking ship.


I know everbody will not agree with me. I just ask that you examine the facts for yourselves. This letter brings me no pleasure. People who know me will confirm this.

Dave may you never promote music again until you do for the right reasons. May you apologize for your deplorablel behaviour toward Out From Under.

Take the $250.. you owe us and pay your bill because I will not accept your dirty money.

Everybody Knows.

Devin Casario

Mars Hill

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This heavy shite.

A story about Craig Mercer (lead singer Jimmy Swift) who seems to have been dragged into this mess.

I've only had 1 interaction with the man.

In Peterborough we were to open for them on a Wednesday night...apparently unbenounced to him.

In his surprised state he said...OK cool and proceeded to ask to trade us for a CD, said he'd heard good things about us and handed us the 2nd spot of the night, which he even then felt would have the highest draw. No stink no quibble.

These guy's had just driven 8+ hours at this point.

We play to moderate draw and have for all intents and purposes a decent night of tunes. Our truck doesn't start as we are attempting to leave to go back to Guelph so that we can work Thursday morning. This truck is now dead.

Without missing a beat Mike (bass) and Craig have the hood of the truck open while one of them is under the thing. They work on the truck for about an hour straight...the fucker starts and we get to go home.

I don't know him all that well as I said...but it was pretty stand up and I would hate for someone to read this post ...search Craig's name and from this point forward refer to him as that prick who knew the Shoreline prick...anyway......no need for further discussion...back to your emergency coverage of this raging inferno.

Cheers [color:purple]ass bites :P


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I defiantly agree with deeps, I've hung out quite a bit with Craig M and he is a very good, stand up guy. I've never got a bad vide off him, and when I was touring with wassabi he was amazing to us. letting us use his house, booking the band shows. finding us hotels and going way above and beyond. I would defiantly do anything for him, and don't think anyone has any right to talk crap about him.

Its really too bad the festival got canceled, I was planning on heading out there this year. and I'm glad i didn't. I decided to cancled based on the half assed line up.

if what people are saying is true and it was canceled as a cash grab, then that really is too bad

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Isn't this all just horrible rumour mongering? Festivals have definately been cancelled due to weather.

Yeah we'll have to see what the official announcement is.

the bottom line is that I hope this blows over and we get back to being proud of the grassroots festivals that are growing up.



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I dont think this has anything to do with Mercer beside the fact his name was mentioned in a letter posted to an open forum (pei locals- some one else moved it to jamhub, and now here).

Craig is obviously a huge reason the east coast scene is what it is. He's dedicated many years to this and is a super good guy..

Dude from Mars Hill needs to knock his head a few times- this IS the way young bands get on festival bills: get paid nothing, get your friends to buy tickets, prove your worth, grow your audience.

He may be pissed off (as Im sure many are) but this is not a smart move for this kid - why burn bridges? I'm sure he's regretting it already.

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maybe that copied post should just go away? I don't like the idea of rumour spreading and trashing people with no evidence.

that post is highly suspect and unless anyone here thinks there's any value to it....I think it should be deleted.

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Is this the band with sons of the Good Brothers?

Yes indeed it is! (Live album comes out on August 8)

maybe that copied post should just go away? I don't like the idea of rumour spreading and trashing people with no evidence.

that post is highly suspect and unless anyone here thinks there's any value to it....I think it should be deleted.

might as well delete most of the politics forum then, lots of rumour and trash talk there. there's some questionable recipes in the food forum too.... :)

I think there's value to it, it sparked a discussion, people came to the defense of Craig Mercer, shed some light as to what at least one of the artists thought of the fiasco.... that's just me though.



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Bouche..if it makes you feel better...ohmygawd... you should see the crybaby bullshit flying on jamhub.

Here seems intelligiblegiblegible.

What a bunch of spaz brains.

Folks are even flinging racist terms at this point.


ha...who needs cable man...

...I have no opinion on what happened...how could I.

Hopin' folks in PEI get festies in the future is all.

I dig that island..be nice to go someday for sweet tunes.

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