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simple beat to to start with would be

Play eighth notes on the hi hats

Bass drum on beat 1 and 3

Snare drum on beat 2 and 4

Also try playing the eighth notes on the ride instead and play Hi-hat (foot pedal) in line with the snare patterns.

Once you get this beat try moving thins around and try a fill in there somewhere.

Play to the radio or any of your favourite discs will help build some strength. Also stick rudiments are great to get your hands working and build strength. When i have some time i can write tham out for you.

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My problem playing a drum kit is hand/foot coordination: my hands and feet are too coordinated. Whatever the right hand is doing, that's what the right foot does, and the same for the left hand/foot; nothing more, nothing less, nothing else.

Funnily enough, in one group I used to jam with, we'd do these jams where everybody would play somebody else's instrument. They wouldn't let me play drums, though, because I was too good at it. This may tell you the skill level of the members of that particular enmsemble...



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When i have some time i can write tham out for you.

thanks already for the help and more would certainly be appreciated.

I've enjoyed banging away on them so far, but I'm sure it's pretty painful to listen to. Hell...I need instruction on just holding the sticks correctly...two went flying out of my hands within the first 3 minutes!!!! hahahaha!

I tells ya, though, Dave's down on the kit right now and sounding EXCELLENT!!!! It's so frustrating to hear him describe himself as a spaz......he's a freaking natural with ANY instrument he picks up and listening to that skill just sucks the drive right outta me.....and I decide I'd rather be a groupie than a mediocre musician! :P

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The "paradiddle" is also a weird one: you play one beat with the right hand, then one with the left, then two with the right. You then start over with one beat with the right hand, then one with the left, then two with the right, and so on.

You can think of it a three-part pattern: one - one - two, with the parts alternating between the hands. Since it's a three-part pattern, and you only have two hands, the hand it starts on switches from left to the right (and vice versa) each time through.



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Larry Graves (of Mr.SS) is insane to watch. He's one of the only drummers I really want to play more loudly. I love seeing Mr.SS at The Rainbow because I usually tape from the balcony, and that gives me a bird's eye view of him. I saw him play a pattern with just his left hand that I can't play with both hands.



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