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Toronto Action July 16-19


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Hey S&M...how could I resist that one??? ;):P

If I'm in town we'll go to The Cameron House on Sunday night and take in a great act...Kevin Quain & The Mad Bastards...if you like Tom Waits, you'll love this group...not saying that they cover Tom, but it's definitely in the genre...

Bouche, I fully expect to see you ass in the editing suite and Ms. Hux, you're more than welcome as well...

Just hope I get to see you kids if I haven't left for the east coast...

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hey guys -- looking forward to you folks being in toronto!

sunday night -- martin sexton plays the opera house... i've seen him a few times live -- great voice, charismatic performer.

serena's also in town those days so be in touch & we'll hook up for some patio bevvies.

buuut... you should consider coming on the 14th -- FANTASY (80s cover band featuring members of Land of Talk, Hiway Freeker, etc.) play a great venue in Toronto called Revival on College Street (i should actually make another post annoucing this come to think of it)... then on the Saturday there's a festival at Fort York featuring Metric & other bands...



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I think I'll actually be at the Cameron House that night too! It's been a while since I caught Kevin Quain but we've got friends visiting from the Virgin Islands that week who loved his CD when we went it to them. He puts on quite the show (including saws and accordians)... I think this year is the 20th anniversary of him playing at the Cameron House too. Even though the show starts around 10:00 it's best to be there around 9:00 so you've got somewhere to sit - the place is tiny.

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I think I'll actually be at the Cameron House that night too! It's been a while since I caught Kevin Quain but we've got friends visiting from the Virgin Islands that week who loved his CD when we went it to them. He puts on quite the show (including saws and accordians)... I think this year is the 20th anniversary of him playing at the Cameron House too. Even though the show starts around 10:00 it's best to be there around 9:00 so you've got somewhere to sit - the place is tiny.

hmmm....by any chance...do your friends visiting from the virgin isles take care of peoples yaghts for a living?

ha and if so did they have a Mell and a Laura visiting them this past winter???...Can the world be this small?

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  • 2 weeks later...

try hanging out at jane and finch. i hear there is a big free concert there, just for people from ottawa!! make sure you let the people around know your dislike of our multicultural city.

no really, you should just do us all a favor and stay in ottawa

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try hanging out at jane and finch. i hear there is a big free concert there, just for people from ottawa!! make sure you let the people around know your dislike of our multicultural city.

no really, you should just do us all a favor and stay in ottawa

Thanks for the info, Jared. I'll make sure to say 'Hi' when I see you on the street corner, peddling your wares.

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Yo Asparagus! Looking forward to seeing you and the crew. We can pick up a case or 2 after the tour and pre-party at my place. I can see the Hummingbird from my balcony.

Honsetly guys, don't do it.

I've met this guy before and he was a TOTAL weirdo.

But in his defense, he does have a nice balcony.

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Skip on down to The Rex at University and Queen. It's an excellent live jazz night out.

Try Grossman's on Monday (just a block south of College on Spadina, east side) - open mic night, plus you will be in Chinatown, so you'll be able to find a good place to eat too.

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Hey Ms.Huxtable and bouche and anyone else for that matter,

I'll be going to the Jays game tomorrow against the Rangers. So if you want to go to that as well let me know?

If not let me know what trouble you will all be getting yourselves into that night and I might meet up with you?


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