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Anyone know anything about 'ear candling'?


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Lately, I've been SCUBA diving. As a result, though, I have had huge amounts of congestion in my ears, to the point that I actually couldn't dive on Sunday as the pressure on my ear-canals was too great.

Two of my SCUBA friends told me that they go for ear candling. They recommended it.

Now, the problem as I see it is that this is not a problem in my outer-ear. This is way down in the canal. Not only could ear-candling not get down there, I doubt I'd want it to.

I'm also concerned based on the following article, which confirms that the things I'm worried about could happen: http://www.quackwatch.org/01QuackeryRelatedTopics/candling.html

So, I appeal to the wisdom of the Skank. Who knows something about this stuff?

(BTW: I'm not a flake, as I think you all know, and I will almost certainly be talking to a doctor before anyone starts lighting anything in my ears, but I'm still interested in some anecdotes if any of you have any.)

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mmmmm... well i've seen it done and it's tough to know if the crap coming out is in fact wax from the candle or the ear, but i've heard that getting a doctor to squirt some sort of liquid into your ear to flush it out is far more effective. the flip side is that once you've done this you kinda have to keep doing it, from what i've heard

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While I've never done it myself I did contemplate it but after reading such things and asking around as you are I decided against it. Instead I went with an over-the-counter drop (I actually went to the doctor and he prescribed it but my pharmacist told me its over the counter)

Anyway its in a blue box and it's basically peanut oil I believe. Ask at a drug store.

It worked in a couple of days - my issue was a wax issue not related to scuba diving so I dunno but it worked and I felt better about it considering the downside that I heard about candling and the alternative of the doctor getting out with scary medical instruments.

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I've had it done a number of times and in turn done it a number of times. It seems to pull a good amount of weirdness out of your ears but I can't honestly say it made a damn bit bit of difference as far as hearing or discomfort goes. So, seeing as though I've had it done, and really am not interested in ever doing it again, I'd say don't waste your money on ear candles: call a doctor instead.

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back to the doctor squirt technique . . . I had it done after a few sessions of snorkelling in fresh but not the cleanest of water. The murky water got into the deep ear canal and seriously affected my hearing, not to mention alot of puking discharge and severe headaches. I know, sounds like a potential wake up from dimefleck's moe.down7 but the technique at the doctor's office worked wonders. I had to get the infection cleared up with antibi's first then; one trip to his office with the squirt method and all was clear. I could hear better and there has not been as much problem with decompression above or below water. highly recommend.


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When I was learning to dive in Australia, I always had trouble equalizing my right ear, to the point they were always returning me to the surface.

One bit of advice.....if you eat or drink a lot of dairy - try not to have a lot two days before diving. Apparently this can prevent you from equalizing properly.

It worked for me.

If you are going to get your ears candled GO TO A PROFESSIONAL.....or see a doctor.

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I asked my doctor about it and she said that it is not the best idea because it can cause damage to the inner ear. Apparently even q-tips can be bad if you don't use them properly (it even says so on the q-tip package). I still use them though. I would ask your doctor.

my doctor warns against q-tips too. she told me she once had a patient who went deaf from too much fuzz in his ear drum.. left over from the q-tip...

while i've never had an ear candled.. i'm kind of obsessed with it.. just seeing how much junk comes out.. makes me feel like i should or something. but i'm afraid of the do it once, always have to do it factor.

i'd see a doctor.

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if you are having ear trouble when diving, you might have to just stop diving :(

some people just can't dive because of ear issues, it just happens.

hopefully you were congested for some other reason and it won't bother you again in the future.

when my ear was blocked with wax once i just went to the doctor and he squirted a syringe of water into the ear and the wax came out. super easy.

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I'm not sure about the scuba diving enduced issue but regarding ears being plugged up in general due to wax build up - something else to consider and I'm no doctor but I had alot of trouble with my ears as a child, various operations, tubes, ridiculous earaches and wax issues. Anyway from what I understand the heat from the candle forces all the gunk out but wax is a protective thing (build up is one thing but the regular amount is there for a reason) So I'm not sure if all that stuff coming out of your ear that you are all talking about is a good thing.

I realize that too much wax is an issue which needs attention and build up & congestion needs clearing but some is good just as any other mucus or whatever no?

Like I said I don't know but I'm curious about that aspect of candling.

As for Q-tips, with all my ear trouble as a child I was told by doctors not to use Q-tips not because of the cotton but because by sticking them in your ear to clean what you are actually doing is pushing and packing the wax down into your ear causing become packed tight, harden and plug up your ear.

and I will have you know one ear feels plugged up now with all this talk and becasue I am so sensitive about ear issues

("sensitive" - read:hypochondriac) my ear was not plugged up earlier today.


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Okay, well in this case it has nothing to do with a wax buildup. My doctor was clear about that. It is in the inner ear, in the canals. I even asked her about the machine that shoots water into your ears to remove the plug, and she was specific that that is for wax build-up, which I don't have.

My doctor also told me to simply inhale steam three times a day, and the problem will be solved. (She is also a SCUBA diver.)

I had considered trying ear candling, mainly because someone suggested it and because inhaling steam thrice per day during a heat-wave just doesn't seem fun. I'm just gonna do that, though, as I basically always knew I would.

No ear candling for StoneMtn.

It's good to hear all these opinions though.

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