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Voted Off The Island (Kung Ejected From Hillside)


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Wasn't Sybil an abused child who was full time psychotic? The details of Sybil's stor might prevent you from just throwing around her name as an adjective if you thought it through.

Kid, your name says it all. GuelphStudent.

I was a Guelph Student too and could see your overzealous judgment coming from the opposite end of wineguard back in 2001.

We should meet up and I'll introduce you to the people like you from 5 years ago. You may not recognize them as you now though because they've since stopped with the judgement fest and cease to identify themselves soley by their perceived politics.

It took you 2 posts to expose your sexual orientation....find a personality to identify with outside of where you choose to park your libedo.

I fuck green peppers for the record.


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Senior Ding-Dong pointed that fucking gun at me while I was enjoying lunch at Come Together one time and it was just about the least cool thing anyone could have done. The word "buzzkill" doesn't quite do the experience justice.

Duely noted.

GS's rant is just so predictable though...and for the record I'm not saying Zero shouldn't have got bounced, but the generalizations GS is making aren't necessarily shared by all musicians as she implied. Everyone finds Luke to be an interesting and somewhat intrusive cat....you gotta wrangle from time to time, but I've also seen his excitement over a band get the rest of some lazy crowds moving.

In a time where it seems like people are getting less and less moveable at shows, he serves a purpose and it's not lost on me.


PS Luke, listen to JC and don't bring your guns to town.

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Actually to be honest I was sort of touched by the sybil reference at first even though it was a dig. I'm a big student of ancient greek culture and identify strongly with the oracular tradition, I see omens in flights of birds or believe in that world of magico-religious connections.

Unfortunately it dawned on me from ollie's reaction that you were likely referring to the Schreiber book about multiple personality disorder and, now from your meager reference levels I presume that it was a reference to Sally Fields movie characterization. I should say that many people on the board know I have bipolar disorder actually the concurrent disorders of bipolarity and addiction. I have a great deal of shame and stigma related to my behaviour and actions over the years and how my mental illness has affected my judgment. This weekend was both oddly stigmatizing and liberating and this vignette captures it.

I've spoken to the Festival Director and apologized if I alarmed anyone and that that was unacceptable. I also feel though a number of fairly clearcut points need to be made. A gun or fake gun, or frisbee as was also mentioned would never make it into a professional event because of the searches which thankfully are absent at Hillside but raises a question of safety. I feel like one of those guys who sneaks a boxcutter through airport security for W5 (on mushrooms of course). Also noteworthy is that the entire volunteer Island environment is so permissively hedonistic as to be so far and beyond any possible health risk I represented. Just off the top of my head a man swam to the Island this weekend, climbed naked and wet into a girls tent and they discovered him on their return hypothermic. There was all night psychedelic water polo (anybody remember Benjy Hayward) - oh and Hillside has already had at least one drowning. Countless cases of alcohol poisoning and drug induced pyschosis. I also suspect that at events like these there are some sexual abuses and molestations that go unreported because of the transitory nature of the environment. Plus - PLUS - it's the volunteers who are selling all the drugs and using the shuttle buses to ferry it on and off the island largely.

Having been accused of being a public health risk I have had to give a lot of thought to what other public health risks abounded. My suggestions to the festival were that with that many people in that much heat, with that much drugs, alcohol, ecstasy, claustrophobia, spiritual and physical intermingling some fucked up shit is bound to go down. You only heard about my little cap gun cause I told you. I am going to get the story of whatever shady shit went down this weekend and I'm suggesting it will make an interesting collage.

What they need is some social workers or mental health workers on the site just sort of surveying and creating an opportunity for identification of issues, support, triage, counselling and whatnot. I really suspect, well I know, that I was the tip of the iceberg.

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the sybil reference was intended to highlight his multiple personality disorder (or pretense thereto). i apologize for offending.

that said, why on earth are some people here still defending his actions? yes, i may be young, but I know what is socially acceptable behaviour, and his wasnt. he behaved like an a$$hole, he got kicked out, he deserved it. then he came in here whining about it.

It took you 2 posts to expose your sexual orientation....find a personality to identify with outside of where you choose to park your libedo.

please dont lecture me about being judgemental, when you see fit to defend clearly offensive and anti-social behaviour. and how judgemental of you to pressume that my entire existence is defined by what's between my partner's legs! now you are making me angry. you dont wanna see me angry. i can lift trucks. grrrrrr, LOL.

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Interesting take Luke.

If you single handedly bring searches to Hillside...a lot of people are going to find and smack you.

As for the general debauchery I don't think an expose on the dangers of Hillside is an appropriate reaction to your dismissal. I'd suggest leaving it alone brah.

Maybe just chill for an afternoon and sketch some unicorns.

As for bi-polar disorder and drug use.....you know better than to mix that shit and have loads of examples of why you shouldn't. My sympathy for that particular element is running low.

I'd like to see you use the IQ you've got to get yourself straight. I think you can be energetic and influential without the extremities brought forth when you're lit.

Anywho.....see you around...much love.

Hah...unicorns in a hemp notebook....ha.

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It's sort of beside the point but those look far more realistic than this did. The handle was all mangled wood and it just really looked like a toy.

Look I've been in situations like this before and I'm a student of human nature and you could see the whole thing just got really out of control and considering how many sober professional adults were dealing with it - trust me it was a fiasco. The fact that I was a member of the media and hence in a position to report on the situation complicated things. They spoke in hushed voices around me but not to me. You could just see the furtive looks on their faces like, we have to follow through with this but it is a bit ridiculous. One really telling moment was when the cop dismantled this thing as if he was trying to see if inside it could have any sort of lethality. It was a fucking kids cap gun from the fifties. Period. The fact that they read my working notes and mocked me was just plain weird and unacceptable and suggested I guess they thought I was going to go Jihad on the fest with my Pirates of the Caribbean gun.

StoneMtn. what's the deal legally with that in a search, the reading the notes I mean. Again it was very very weird and they were obviously mocking me. I think they were looking for signs of mental illness, they asked about it based on my sprawling notes. Doctors and lawyers also have illegible handwriting, but they don't carry imitation flintlock revolvers at festivals either.

Part of me wonders why they took it away to begin with, why not just drop me at the gates where it returns back into the toy it always was. Part of me felt they thought I would cause more trouble somehow and part of me thought they didn't want me to show a photograph of it somewhere for it's proposterousness.

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wild eyed dandies + fake hand guns + need for attention + viscious B.O. = buzzkill

I think thats a pretty obvious equation.

I also think guelphstudent is well within her rights saying she was uncomfortable and annoyed with him, and felt better when he was gone... sometimes other people's trips (be they literal, psychedelic or whaaaever), can totally effect ones own enjoyment, i think, and I'd probably have been relieved to be able to sit back and watch music in the sun without fearing for my own safety.

I guess it takes years to garner appreciation for Luke's shenanigans/antics, I suppose. Rules of engagement dont seem to apply.

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Fuck Jay why don't you just tell it like it is without all this sugar coating?

I'm just glad the heady one himself Tenenbaum didn't go to town on me as well or I would have cried.

It seems like alls well that ends well but I still need an end to the story and I don't actually like writing in the first person but it ends there. Thank you all for your insights into how my actions affect others.

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im calmer now. i had some granola ;) thanks for your thoughts, gentlemonkey. :)

It makes for good reading ...

but, that's my point. most people at Hillside (or any event, for that matter) are not "reading" about this anti-social behaviour. we were having it thrust upon us in a deliberate and very negative way. that's what he just doesnt understand. his writing fodder is very annoying for the people who are intentionally subjected to it. and he does not have ANY right to subject ANYONE to that sort of behaviour (and God knows there are countless other examples of his nastiness, like the time he spit on his finger and rolled it around the top of my friends beer at the Trash one night).

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Maybe write a letter to ECHO's editor and start an all out war in the press... we need some scandal around here for fuck sake.

This thread has been more interesting than a lot things around here lately so in that light, Zero's doing his job and getting exactly the reaction he deserves and likely is trying to illicit.

What brought you here GS?


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i've never met luke but i sure enjoyed his enthusiasm during holy fuck's set. too bad you (guelphstudent) were focused on him and not the music.

all other complaints about behaviour et al may be true, but all i saw on the weekend was a dude having a blast at a show.


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Zero's ... getting exactly the reaction he ... is trying to illicit.

... sigh ... I know, thats why I was so hesitant to even post anything, but, well, ya know ... someone had to inform the Emperor ...

What brought you here GS?

I was actually going to post a review of the festival (which I will still do) and I came on to register, but, um, I got "distracted". :P

Ive been lurking for a while.

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about the cap gun/Toy Gun... where have you been in the last 15 years Zero? You just can't walk around with Toy guns anymore...anywhere public that is. I don't even think that you can buy toy guns at Toys R Us anymore.

Anyway, those that are involved in protecting the public aren't going to screw around with someone on mushies carrying around a gun replica. Who's to say that the guy with the toy won't attempt to rob someone?

Toy weapons can cause harm like most objects in the hands of children. Unlike most other toys though, much of the danger of these toys is related to mistaking a toy weapon for a real weapon.

Toy weapons that look very much like a real one are forbidden in many countries because they can be mistaken for the real thing. For example, a robber might threaten people with a toy weapon or a child might handle a real weapon confusing it with a toy. Realistic looking toys are often called "replicas". In the United States since 1992, toy guns are required to have an orange plug or be entirely brightly colored to signify them as toys.

People might mistake a toy weapon for a real one and bring attention to the individual. Police officers or other authorities might treat the person as armed until their weapon is identified as a toy and their intentions discovered. As a consequence, toy weapons are sometimes banned from certain public places where such responses could cause a disruption.

There is a controversy as to whether or not toy weapons are appropriate for children to play with. Some people believe they can teach children violence.

There are also incidents where young people were shot, who were only carrying toy guns. Some examples here but no way to confirm them.

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When I was growing up, an acquaintence of mine's best friend was shot to death by the police for brandishing a water-pistol (more of a water-rifle, actually).

When I was a kid, I ran around with toy guns throughout our neighbourhood all the time, playing. Those were the days.

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