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Anyone else in here take the Gym seriously?

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hold a weight on one arm extended down and tilt your upper body sideways in the opposite direction. Go for 10-12 reps and then switch sides.

When you can do 12 without any burning, increase the weight.

oh and lay off the chips. (there's a pun there)

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I take the gym so seriously I actually ask physical trainers, not hippies, for work-out advice. Last time I asked a hippie for work-out advice he handed me a pipe and turned on family guy: Season 3. About 4 hours later he came back with some sushi and rice pudding explaining he had gotten lost on his way to the YMCA and wound up at some buddhist colony in the mountains which, apparently, served excellent local delicacies.

Eat Chocolate Steroid Bars and spend a lot of time on the internet.

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avatar back to normal in a last minute effort to get the conservative vote.

the only reason i even changed my avatar was in response to the imposter dimafleck who was not even funny....and imposter who i think was YATS.

bouche, can we make this VOTE a sticky on the main site??

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Who is this Gym guy anyways?

Actually, dinghy, "The Gym" is a band. They feature wacky stuff in their shows, like votes as to which audience member(s) should be kicked out during the first and second sets; they also have two members whose names are almost identical, except for a couple of spaces between the words. Their music is a fusion of trance, dub, and klezmer. They've had a festival for a few years now: "Gym Period" featuring the best in bands similar to their style. Their album covers are usually knock-offs of Van Gogh paintings. Haven't you heard of them? I'd go see them, but they don't allow taping.



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