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What The Thunder Said + Inglewood Jack @ Deckuf Sept. 16

Inglewood Jack

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After a little break (we here at Inglewood Jack, Inc., eschew the use of the word "hiatus") from doing shows over the summer, Inglewood Jack will be opening up for What The Thunder Said at Cafe Dekcuf in Ottawa on Saturday, Sept. 16. The current plan is one set of IJ, then two full sets of WTTS, which will be the first time WTTS has been able to do this in Ottawa.

Cover is $8, or $5 with valid student ID.


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Yeehaw....2nd Ottawa trip in just over a month.

We have just bought our first band van so we'll actually be able to travel together.

Hope some of y'all Ottawians will be able to come out and support this show.

Thanks Inglewood for your support on the bill, it'll be nice to see you again.


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I have a lot on my plate that night fellas- but I will try and stop by! Hope its a rockin' one from start to finish!

As well as this show and the John Henrys release, Larry from elbeejay is preforming with "Harshey" at The Dominion tavern. And of course, its the best Saturday of the year for 'FROSH GAWKING'.. wooooo tigerman has sore claws.

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Well Deeps and I just had a little chat and if you are planning to try and get to both shows PM either myself, Deeps, BradM or thatpatguy and we can offer you a reduced cover or something of the sort.

Hopefully everyone will get to see all the music they want to this Saturday (who knew Ottawa would be such a hoppin' place on a Saturday in the middle of September?)!

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okay guys,

for your next gig in Ottawa, will you please pass the date by me first??? This is the second time we'll miss [color:green]what the inglewood thunder jack said and that's a sour pill, I tells ya!

okay. we got that straight, boys? good. as for kudos...none rock harder than Vinnie Barbarino, so nice work on the poster. it's a chick-magnet for sure! :P

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Had a really shitty practice last night come watch us crash and burn!!!!!!

Anytime I've had a really shite practice before a couple of shows...the shows have turned out great.

Hope things continue in that way.


Ps We've got a frickin van...it's all ours and will be bringing the stuff to make all the noise...woot woo!

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Hey, I went out for a smoke today and you guys poster was on the wall of my school. Actually, it's all over the place. Good job.

I've been trying in subtle and non-conflict-of-interest sorts of ways to draw my classes' attention to them. Now, if either band had a song about grammar or composition....;).

Sorry to be missing this one. Have a great show, y'all.

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so.. it's starting to push the end of the day here... we've got the beers out now and things will be winding down soon.

As much as I would love to see all of you crazy people out at the What The Inglewood Thunder Jack Said gig on Saturday, ultimately I hope that where ever you go this weekend you have a great time!

Deeps, I'll see you tomorrow night, have a great set tonight and a good drive in tomorrow. I look forward to jamming and grooving out with you guys, it's always a blast!

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My guess is that we'll start about the usual time for an opening act: somewhere between 9:30pm and 10:30pm. It really depends on the crowd, though: if there are a lot of people there early, we can get going early; if the crowd doesn't get there until later, we won't start until later.



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My guess is that we'll start about the usual time for an opening act: somewhere between 9:30pm and 10:30pm. It really depends on the crowd, though: if there are a lot of people there early, we can get going early; if the crowd doesn't get there until later, we won't start until later.

How about you just wait until I get there? ;)

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My guess is that we'll start about the usual time for an opening act: somewhere between 9:30pm and 10:30pm. It really depends on the crowd' date=' though: if there are a lot of people there early, we can get going early; if the crowd doesn't get there until later, we won't start until later.[/quote']

How about you just wait until I get there? ;)

[color:purple]We'd be glad to. We'll also put you at the top of the list for the velvet-rope-cordoned-off skybox, and give the bevy of young maidens of virtue true that we keep on staff your preferences as to drinks and massage practices.



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Very good effort last night.

Inglewood's sound is starting to form in a very real way and I like what I'm hearing.

Once their original repetoire houses more tunes I think we'll see some good things come out of these guys.

Very solid and enjoyable.

Nice to see you and the boys again TPG and BradM.


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