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Apparently montreal is hopping right now (as per my girlfriend) with people out on random street corners since early afternoon FAR from downtown getting cars to honk with flags and whatnot.

hope the habs make it to round two so I can enjoy some of the excitement!

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Guest Low Roller

I have a couple of installation engineers from the UK over in Montreal doing some work on one of my sites. I told them over the phone today that Montreal should be hopping crazy... they were all like, "yeah whatever, like anyone watches ICE hockey anyways."

I wonder what they are thinking now, and if they are hiding in their hotel rooms thinking that there is a red revolution happening.

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Methodical domination. God bless PVR's.

And you are totally right Belair. It IS great to see them in the playoffs again. I havent been this excited about Les Brahs in many many years. They were hitting everything in sight and call me crazy but I much enjoy Bob Cole when he isnt calling the Leafs. But that could be the bias talking because I am drunk on Hab-love at the moment. Still though, he does give a youthful enthusiasm for a 70-something year old.

The Habs certainly got away with a few non-calls tonight, eh Kev? Conspiracy?

11 mins left and the nanananas have started.

That song has been performed far too early, far too many times this season. Whatever though. If you want to sing it then go ahead kids. The fans have had to sit through alot of shit for a long time.

Tomorrows alarm is gonna suck balls. Speaking of balls, I see tits!


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Guest Low Roller

Complete domination by the Habs last night. The crowd was stoked to something stupid. To their credit, CBC just let the cameras roll during the intro without saying a word.

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