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If you miss HILLSIDE you are a tool!!!


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Okay I may be overly sentimental, it's 9;13 pre-Hillside evening, as a matter of happenstance my birthday strikes in I don't know about 2:46 but who's counting. If you're within any sort of reasonable distance please join us at this celebration of all that is good and great and grand in the Canadian 'scene'.

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Happy bday to my favorite nemesis!!!

I'll most likely see you and Melissa tomorrow...

BSS, Stars, Tielli, Duke, Fembots.... and our classic arguements... how could I resist ?!

Best wishes to you on your day.... note: today's the only day I'll let your comments slide... so take advantage of it!! [big Grin]

Happy day Luke!!! [big Grin]


Click to play = buy him a drink if ya see him

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That may very well be the first happy birthday post, started by the birthday person...........

happy birthday, from a different imaginary friend.

not sure to whom I am wishing the b-day wish to, but hopefully the one that is looking for it.

I think I may listen to Quadrophenia in your honour today. [Wink]

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Oh how true- how true if you missed Hillside you are in fact a tool. The expected hits: Broken Social Scene, Buck 65, Cuff The Duke, Rheos, Chris and Kate, Warsaw Pack very few if any misses. So many unexpected unbelievably amazing workshops. BSS was like a choir of indy rock light- mindnumbingly glorious. With the full horns they were an unstoppable epochal turn for the ages (seriously insane). Buck played a half comedy half anti-hip hop- fucking hilarious had people young and old in stitches. Chris and Kate played a stunning set and Chris played about 7 other workshops, one of which 'Close To You' with some of the BSS and Metric guys was like an hourlong vamp on 'why do birds suddenly appear' - so fucking cool. Guitar Warp One led by Tielli included a Cortez and Spanish Moon! H'Sao (this french African a capella group) did this unbelievable collaboration with the Rheos- Martin was saying later he had really wanted to do Northern Wish but didn't have the time (Sean would have lost it if he could have been there, had it happened). What can I say about Cuff the fucking DUKE- they sleigh they are so hardcore- tears streaming down my face- standing ovation and stunned gratitude from everyone. Ron Mann who made Grass the movie was really digging their set. Rheos played a HUGE closer set last night- material from Blue Hysteria, a couple of Whale Music's (incl. Claire!!! with Kate Fenner on vocals) some of the Group of Seven and a beautiful Jane Siberry song.

Oh and motherfuckin' METRIC these guys are unstoppable as well. Really hot front woman banging it out on stage with a sick hot bass/guitar/drums combo- like No Doubt, Talking Heads, ska/Police without being derivative New Wave. Anybody who saw them was blown the fuck away. Then Emily from Metric sang the 'Anthem for a 17 yr. old girl' encore for the BSS set with Feist- okay this is the shit I live for.

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hmmmm i'll take being a tool ANYDAY if a it involves an amazing Jomomma show Friday (complete with NO sound problems) into a few bong hits late friday night, then off to the river for sunrise.

After a beautiful morning of fishing, i came back for a few hours of cat napping, then off to the river again for the evening.

Sunday consisted of burning phish2003 shows for marco, then a evening of studying for this mornings hands on exam.

I personally had a fantastic weekend. Toolin' it up with the Tooly is always a bonus.

Especially if he's wearing weirwook shorts.

[big Grin]

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