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QoTD- Funniest Canadian Comedy series?

Davey Boy 2.0

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My thinking here is maybe get ideas for shows then we can put together a Poll later on once we have the nominations in. The question is whether or not we should open up the field and include things like This Hour Has 22 Minutes or just go with 'sitcoms'. Seeing as how there aren't that many Cdn sitcoms I guess we'd better open up the field.

My nominations would be:

  • Made in Canada
  • The Newsroom
  • 22 Minutes
  • Mercer Report
  • Wayne and Schuster??!!?? maybe i shouldn't nominate this one, i've never really watched it

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What about Hatching Matching and Dispatching???


My vote for funniest current "sitcom" for sure...

...also Codco:


...and Twitch City (I need this to come out on DVD):


...and even Corner Gas for sure has its moments. I also vote for Newsroom, This Hour (especially the older ones) and SCTV...oh and Mercer Report...fuck we're a funny bunch aren't we?

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am I the only one who finds 22 Minutes impossible to watch?

no joke can be delivered without a coy wink and a nudge and I'm not nearly as fascinated with our politicians as it seems to be. I find it almost unwatchable.

I wish I found Mercer funnier too. When he's on form he's great.

Put me down for an SCTV vote. Followed by Kids In The Hall and 4 On The Floor. Corner Gas is cringeworthy.

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yeah i haven't seen 22 minutes i quite a while, used to be alright when mercer was on it, but you're right the "Get it?" expressions are painful. and the Mercer Report has it's moments but he's almost too full of himself or something, can't quite put my finger on what it is about him that's a little too much

he's probably just spent too much time in Toronto. it corrupts everyone after a while (case in point— jaimoe)

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