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The John Henrys farewell show Sat 25th@ Irene's

the john henrys

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Please join the John Henrys as they bid farewell to their beloved frontman Rey Sabatin Jr. as he prepares to move south back to Toronto.

This will also be The John Henrys last apperance in Ottawa as they will now focus their aim more towards southern ontario.

Thank you all who have supported us during the past three years in Ottawa and we would love to see you all out on Saturday, November 25th at Irene's Pub in the Glebe to help us celebrate a memorable ottawa run.

Also, if that is not a reason enough to attend then come to the show to help The John Henrys' bassist, Darryl, celebrate his 28th year on this earth! Presents and kisses will be accepted.

Opening for The John Henrys will be L'ill Andy and the Karaoke Cowboys. And excellent alt-country outfil from Montreal!!!

Edited by Guest
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that's it.

i'm selling the farm and moving back to peterborough.

ottawa is dead to me now. dead.

what's next? will he bike paths be converted to motorways? the canal paved over and used for drag races? the experimental farm turned into a high-productivity beef, pork and dairy farm? poooooooo :(}:(

and to make matters worse, i can't even be there this weekend to party with y'all one last time. :(

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that's it.

i'm selling the farm and moving back to peterborough.

ottawa is dead to me now. dead.

what's next? will he bike paths be converted to motorways? the canal paved over and used for drag races? the experimental farm turned into a high-productivity beef, pork and dairy farm? poooooooo :(}:(

and to make matters worse, i can't even be there this weekend to party with y'all one last time. :(

YAH!!! :) Peterborough needs a Mooose! :)

and allthough techniquely we're Central On...we are pretty close to Toronto....TJHs would be sweet in the Patch. :)

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