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nero cd release party thisThursday in Ottawa!


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nero's new live release SoOn is in, and it sounds great. Recorded over a three-day run in Southern Ontario, the cd clocks in at 57:55 and has five tracks. Limited to 1000 copies, it will be available at shows, and soon will be available on order. But for you nice local folks...

I'm having a party tomorrow night, that's Thursday, August 7th, from 8-11pm, to celebrate the release of SoOn. We will be listening to the disc and chillin' and illin'. There will be snacks 'n such, but bring yer own intoxicants. Also, bring $10 and you got yerself a brand spankin' new nero cd. As a one-time offer, each cd purchase comes with a free Jager shot, but don't tell anybody because I think that's illegal. Come one, come all. Then get yer asses up to Babylon or something - I'm giving everybody the boot at 11pm. Hey, I'm old.

116 Cambridge Street North, very near Bronson & Somerset. Front door, don't knock, just come on up.


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Moi aussi. Well, I didn't actually have any Thursday plans (except for the "I don't have a plan" default backup, which involves staying home, channel surfing, and going to bed early), but I sure as gehenna do now.

Is this a theme party, by any chance? There haven't been any nero theme parties since last summer, IIRC.



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I change my ruling: Barrett must wear clothes. At least from 8-11 tonight, afterwards it's outta my hands (that sentance gives me the heeby-jeebies).

So the jager bottles are on ice, the cd is in the stereo, and the snacks are a mere walk to the goshrey store away, so we're pretty much set. The dancing girls showed up early, but we'll handle that. Hope to see some of you tonight.

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Thanks immensely for the party, Velvet. Hanging with good friends, a pinball machine, and musical instruments everywhere, with the new nero CD blaring in the background, was a fantastic way to spend an evening. I also heard the new Ween CD, and it's now on my to-be-bought list.

And the nero CD sounds awesome. Tungsten, you did an amazing job on the sound, and the music is some of the heaviest nero I've ever heard.



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Velvet, my thanks go out to you as always.

You have the coolest pad on the block, and throw a mean party.

By the way, thanks for that contact. I emailed buddy last night and he got back to me. Now, I just have to convince Lynn to dip into the House Fund for that Star Wars pinball machine!

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Good times last night, thanks to all who showed up. Funny, the first thing I heard when I got to Rock School this morning was, "Gee Teach, you looked tired," immediately followed by a chorus of 12-year-old voices chiming in with, "yeah, you look tired."

I ain't tired kids, I'm just trying to teach you about rock n' roll.

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Pinbaaalllll ... I ain't stopping until I'm in pain or this thing runs out of credits.

(I should have brought my wrist brace, dammit.)

Velvet: Love the sig. It reminds me of a line one of my ex's invented--"Of course cows have four stomachs ... one for each leg."

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