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David Gans

Big Wooly Mammoth

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You may know David Gans as the host of the Grateful Dead hour and other GD related activities. You may not know that Gans has also been performing his own music, as well, for several years now and has released several CDs.

In his live performances, David usually plays solo acoustic guitar using looping techniques to create some pretty cool stuff. While some GD covers show up in his sets, he is also an accomplished songwriter in his own right and most of his sets consist of original material.

You can find some of his shows up on archive.org - definitely worth checking out. (I'm listening to 10/24/06 right now)

He has been in the studio with the Shockenaw Mountain Boys (four members of Railroad Earth)the past few days. Gans has played with them several times and they work really well together. You can read more about it here , or listen to them from a show earlier this week playing cassidy's cat (a combo of cassidy, china cat, and other GD melodies).

You can also hear some of his stuff here .

And now on to the important stuff....

I’ve known David for several years and I have approached him about the possibility of playing some Ontario dates. He is definitely interested, so I’m hoping that with the assistance of the folks on this board we can set something up.

I’d like to know the thoughts of the people on this board. Would you go see him? Do you think that we could get enough people out to his shows to make a trip up here worthwhile. What venues do you think would be appropriate?

Gans thinks that he’d be better off on the folk/singer-songwriter circuit than the jamband circuit given that he is relatively unknown in these parts. (I’m not sure if we have separate and distinct folk/jambands circuits here anyways.)

And most importantly, is somebody out there interested in working with me to help get some shows set up (i.e. promote the shows, etc...)? Send me a PM and I can put you in contact with Gans’ booking agent.

Edited by Guest
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Hi Al,

I was just listening to Cassidy's cat yesterday ... fun stuff.

You know that I'd be sure to attend a Gans show if he'd swing through these parts. I'd be happy to help out in any way that I can.

He'd be a perfect performer for Hugh's Room. Nothing like having a great dinner and then having some great music hit the stage right after :)

Later . . .

Kanada Kev =8)

ps - i got your email earlier today and i'll try to respond tonight.

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Saw Gans for the first time this summer at grateful fest...he blew me away and left me with a giant smile on my face wanting more...

his set was great..joined by donna for a few tunes... and he shared the stage with other great artist... just a great all around artist imho...

GET HIM HERE !!! ha :)

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