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Things people do that piss you off

Davey Boy 2.0

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Feeps like this make me wish I had a clue-by-four handy for some upside-the-head edumacation.




i love it.

i would echo the sentiments of the on-ramp discussion earlier, and add to that the asshat who decides to speed all the way to the end of the merge lane before blindly diving in and zipping across three lanes of traffic.

these guys should be sentenced to drive in england for a month and learn how merging works.

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It drives me nuts when you’re walking towards someone and there’s a bunch of room for you both to comfortably pass each other but the other person walks directly towards you and they expect you to get out of their way.

how do you know you're not the one walking directly towards them? ;)

[i say that b/c i find myself in this situation rather frequently]

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It drives me nuts when you’re walking towards someone and there’s a bunch of room for you both to comfortably pass each other but the other person walks directly towards you and they expect you to get out of their way.

how do you know you're not the one walking directly towards them? ;)

[i say that b/c i find myself in this situation rather frequently]

Rules of the road apply to the rules of the sidewalk... keep to the right.

What irks me is two people approaching me, walking side by side, and they expect ME to get out of the way?

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okay, so you're talking purely sidewalk scenario. i'm with ya there.

i guess i was thinking just a random walking situation, say in a mall, where there's not necessarily any "rules" b/c you're heading to such and such a store so you need to go in certain directions... i have to do that little dance a lot, where you both head the same way.

i can't believe i just spent a minute of my life typing that. :P

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It drives me nuts when you’re walking towards someone and there’s a bunch of room for you both to comfortably pass each other but the other person walks directly towards you and they expect you to get out of their way.

how do you know you're not the one walking directly towards them? ;)

[i say that b/c i find myself in this situation rather frequently]

I'm guilty and I feel like an ass when I do it. I apologize profusely when it happens.

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People who throw their lit cigarettes out the car window.

YES! i couldn't think of anything to put in this thread but you nailed it. when i was on tour if someone did that we pulled over and made them go back and find their butt. i don't have a car now so i can't control of such things anymore.

i HATE it when i see people on the street throw their butts into the sewer or on the street.

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or the idiots that get off the bus and then back on at the back door...or the fools that for some strange reason think going up the back stairs of the bus is going to kill them. I have gotten out of my seat, left by the front door, went through the back door and shown people how it's done. That's how pissed off I get sometimes...

If they fuck with me.....I kick them off.

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People who throw their lit cigarettes out the car window.

YES! i couldn't think of anything to put in this thread but you nailed it. when i was on tour if someone did that we pulled over and made them go back and find their butt. i don't have a car now so i can't control of such things anymore.

i HATE it when i see people on the street throw their butts into the sewer or on the street.

I must apologize for that...bad habit...

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i guess i was thinking just a random walking situation, say in a mall, where there's not necessarily any "rules" b/c you're heading to such and such a store so you need to go in certain directions... i have to do that little dance a lot, where you both head the same way.

Malls are complete anarchy and deserve a thread of their own.

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Here's another one from the bus: groups of people who get on, sit far apart (across the aisle, in separate seats, whatever), and then pretty much yell at each other to carry on their yammering conversation. If you want to talk to each other, sit together!

I was on a bus last week, and a group got on; I'd seen them before, and one of them, a middle-aged woman, has a particularly annoying cackling voice/laugh. At one bus station (Bayshore in Ottawa), the driver turned around and unloaded on the lady, noting how he had to turn his radio up all the way just to hear it, and how a woman asked a question from the sidewalk, but he couldn't hear her due to their yammering. The cackler continued to laugh, and the tension went up, coming really close to having the driver call for OC Transpo cops to deal with her/them. I was a little uncomfortable during the interaction, but relieved that the driver actually said what was necessary.



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It drives me nuts when you’re walking towards someone and there’s a bunch of room for you both to comfortably pass each other but the other person walks directly towards you and they expect you to get out of their way.

I do that, but subconsciously. It's an instinct from my soccer days: play the man, not the ball. It happens often, and usually it ends with a chuckle, a knowing glance, a soft embrace, and then a room-by-the-hour. :P

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homeless guy, Toronto, a few years ago:

"spare any change?"

foolishly i reach into my pocket to give him something, he looks at what i'm about to hand him:

"quarters or loonies only"

something very similar happened to d_rawk and i once on bank street. unbelievable.

another time a guy asked me for change; i checked my pockets and had no change, only keys. i said sorry, no change. but, i guess he heard the keys and thought it was change, and he said, "you're the umpteenth person do to that to me today!!", all pissy-like! i was mad as hell. :P

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