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Things people do that piss you off

Davey Boy 2.0

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Alright, well given my general hatred of people overall, it's hard to narrow this down, but a particular habit of my mother comes to mind when I think of things that "piss me off":


SM: "Hello"

Mom: "Hi. I know you're at work, so are you busy?"

SM: "Yes, actually I am appearing in Court tomorrow, and I've just been served with an argument incorporating all sorts of caselaw that I hadn't anticipated, so now I am scrambling like crazy to get my Reply prepared in the next hour, and I am going nuts."

Mom: "Anyway, I'm calling because... blah blah blah"

SM: "As I said, I'm really under the gun here to get something completed in the next 59 minutes, so I really have to go..."

Mom: "Anyway, blah blah blah..."


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SM: "Hello"

Mom: "Hi. I know you're at work, so are you busy?"

SM: "Yes, actually I am appearing in Court tomorrow, and I've just been served with an argument incorporating all sorts of caselaw that I hadn't anticipated, so now I am scrambling like crazy to get my Reply prepared in the next hour, and I am going nuts."

Mom: "Anyway, I'm calling because... blah blah blah"

SM: "As I said, I'm really under the gun here to get something completed in the next 59 minutes, so I really have to go..."

Mom: "Anyway, blah blah blah..."

Moms have immunity! c'mon!

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It's true you gotta give the mom's a break on that one.

What I fuckin' hate is opinion. Blogs, youtube, myspace the internet as a whole has given us all free reign to share our unsubstantiated and listless e-drool all over the place.

My conclusion from that is that most of humanity is boring as fuck or all received "He/She is smart but doesn't apply himself" on their report cards.

But hey that's just my opinion :)

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What I fuckin' hate is opinion. Blogs, youtube, myspace the internet as a whole has given us all free reign to share our unsubstantiated and listless e-drool all over the place.

My conclusion from that is that most of humanity is boring as fuck or all received "He/She is smart but doesn't apply himself" on their report cards.

But hey that's just my opinion :)

How'd you get ahold of my transcripts?

Power tripping pisses me off.

Also, people who stir up shit for no reason at all over and over and over.

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I hate people who never say excuse me.

For example, you're in a crowded bus...since that seems to be a hot topic....and there is someone trying to get to the door, but instead of saying excuse me so that you know they are coming or trying to get off the bus...they just push their way past you.

Can be used in all kinds of situations. People have plain forgotten their manners!!!

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i hate people that that think they own a busy sidewalk.

they walk in groups of 4+ all thew ay across....and you can't get past them because of the const on comming flow....and they are usually dumbasses that walk slowly. i will kill them.

secondly, i hate it when people give you a hard time at a show getting past them.... i understand if i'm with like 5 other people and the show is about to go on , and i'm clearly just trying to get a sweet spot.... but if i'm alone, carrying two beers and its the middle of the show...clearly i have some one waiting for me and giving me a hard time is just slowly everyone down....fuckin jerks these people. i also hate the opposite situation when some one tries to get by you, but instead of giving you the nod and smile...they just push their way through.... i'll fucking kill you too buddy.

i hate the stupid kid that always asks an obvious question or has an obvious comment that holds up the lecture an extra 15 minutes.

i hate it when booche leaves his dirty underwear at my place.

i despise bitter old people that think i owe them somthing because they are old and decreped.... no i won't give up my seat for you grandma...fuck off and die already.

i hate it when hippies smile and say hello to me on the bus... are you a good looking girl flirting with me? no... so why would i give you the time of day? fuck off.

i hate people that hate on me on this board without an ounce of originality... i won't even waste two bars on you unoriginal bastards.

i despise people that don't have intresting music on their ipods...usually, these are blonde girls in tight jeans... why do you torture me god?

i hate bars that serve beer for round numbers making tipping hard. 5, 6, 7. all annoying...

i hate bathroom attendants that don't belong. At this is london, there is a bathroom attendant that wears a uniform, hands you hot towels, has a huge selection of products...he deserves a tip. in any other situation, i fucking hate them... especially dives like The Opera House... i do this alone all the time, but on a friday night, for some reason, people assume i need help.

homeless guys that don't know how to take a proper beating.

Maury Povich.

People that swear too much.

people that fit into the stereotype that they belong to... i don't care what race, religion, region, nationality... if you fit into your stereotype, i hate you.

cully, YATS, chameleon.

guys from woodbridge that wear too much gel.

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