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I just got hit by a car


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Two years ago a similar situation happened to my friend while he was driving his motorcycle. His accident was a lot more severe. Doctors were unsure if he would be able to walk again. After MANY MANY months of therapy he is able to walk with a cane but his leg will never be the same.

Becareful out there car people!

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Geez man, thats aweful. I remember riding that stupid thing and getting ZERO respect on the road. Sucks large.

Arent scooters huge in Italy? I remember seeing something on the TV about it. You'd think this guy would be used to them sharing the road.

Anyhoo, quick and speedy recovery my friend, Im sure the boys in Etobicoke will get a kick outta this one too!

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Thanks everybody.

I'm doing alright. My leg hurts but they said I need to come back for them to look at my knee when the swelling goes down.

The scooter lay in many pieces around me as I lay in the street screaming obsenities at the poor son of a bitch who crashed into me. It happened right downtown so several Cracky McCrackerson's came out of the woodwork to offer me blankets and pillows while I waited for the ambulance. So, my thanks goes out to those folks and I hope they can get their shit together.

As for Scooters in Italy, I guess not only do they drive on the other side of the road there but also on top of the scooters.

Again thanks.

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BC is not a no-fault system, like Ontario.

i love that term. it has resulted in a whole new generation of bad drivers who keep insisting that "it wasnt my fault" when they slammed their mini-vans into the mini-mart or rear-ended a school bus. it should have been called the 'reduction of overall litigations costs to prohibit lengthy civil action against stupid drivers and save insurance companies money" system.

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