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Canadian professor denied US entry for taking LSD in 1967

Kanada Kev

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from boingboing.net


Canadian professor denied US entry for taking LSD in 1967

W sez, "Vancouver psychotherapist Andrew Feldmar has been barred from entering the United States. The reason? During a random stop-and-search at a US/Canadian border crossing, a Google search of his name led to his article from the Spring 2001 'Janus Head: Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature, Continental Philosophy, Phenomenological Psychology, and the Arts.' In it Feldmar describes two acid trips he took under the supervision of his graduate advisor in psychology -- in 1967. This turns out to have been enough to earn him a life-time ban under the grounds of 'admitted drug use.'

"Feldmar *was* told he could apply for a waiver, and that after a year, and at a cost of around $3,500, he had a '90% chance' of its being granted.

"Oh -- and he'd have to go through the process each time he wanted to travel to the US."

The official said that under the Homeland Security Act, Feldmar was being denied entry due to "narcotics" use. LSD is not a narcotic substance, Feldmar tried to explain, but an entheogen. The guard wasn't interested in technicalities. He asked for a statement from Feldmar admitting to having used LSD and he fingerprinted Feldmar for an FBI file...

Feldmar was determined, in the months after the aborted border crossing, to turn things around. He was particularly determined because the idea of not being able to visit his children at their homes was unthinkable.


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That was a very disturbing article. The United States of America is slowly trying to omit not only information they do not want there people to get, via control over the media and education, but now they are denying people who pocess information not to their liking visa's?

This is becoming a total athoritarian state. Pretty soon things will be just like in the Handmaids tale...

I have no interest in going back to that country.

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I have no interest in going back to that country.

Me either. I got the same treatment last summer. Ive already said enough about it though, as it got me into more trouble with the law.

edit to add: Im phoning my MP right to stir up the shit.

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Don't be surprised if they make HEAVY use out of Facebook and Myspace too!!!! Beware about what kind of shit you put up there. Great way to get dirt on somebody ... in some roundabout way the gov't is probably helping fund Facebook, etc. for these reasons.


I personally think Facebook is a CIA scheme to get info on everyone they can and log how everyone knows each other. Be careful what info you happily give up.


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Wasnt LSD legal in the US in 1967?

I could be wrong but I thought the laws changed in 1968.

Nope. LSD was made illegal in late 1966.

And if it wasn't for all the cool concerts, rich history and awesome landscape and performance opportunities, I too would be happy never to go back to the US. Too bad they have all that good stuff! Damn!

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infuriating...and sad.

denying this guy entry under 'blanket rules'. what happend to common sense? who needs lawyers, consulates, governors, and politicinas to sort this out? all it takes is for the custom guard to use his head AND have the authority to use it.

in day to day life so many people are so disempowered to make even the most minor decisions on their job. you have to speek to the manager or phone some hot line...just empower the person!

brief story severly edited as gotta jet...transporting really really sick kid from st. john's to toronto, and after waiting for half hour (which doesnt seem like much, but literally is a lifetime) ambulance gets there and wouldnt give his liscence to the airport securtiy to photocopy so he can drive up to the plane....the pilot argues with the guy, i go out and argue with the guy...to no avail. this guy would rather see me wheel a sick baby across 100meteres of tarmac, in the freezing cold, and the child has the most precarious 'tube' holding his airway open. there was just no way. ANYONE with common sense, medical or not would realzie too many bad variables in this situation. ANYONE with common sense would just give up their liscence, i mean its not to some bar, its the friggin airport!

the two security guys, young, mid 20's, piercings, say, we will deal with the consequences (which could include getting fired) and let the ambulance go up to the plane to try to get the kid to the hospital faster. common sense.

i'll still visit for shows, visit friends and relatives etc, but still feel completely uncomfortable with the idea of the taxes i pay down there going to support stuff like more guards, guns, and b.s. like the article. especially as millions suffer with no health insurance.

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That's apparently their rule. Shitty I know but I'd move there for work if it were appropriate at the time. I wouldn't have to have much to do with anyone I didn't care much for and do what I wanted as long as I am not found to be breaking the law.

I think it's an amazing place with unfortunate inadequeces.

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