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morning or night person

popo weenie

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Through sheer force of habit (largely due to wanting to maintain a pretty regular schedule for things like meals, and having to work full time 5 out of 7 days a week), I think I'm a morning person. I'm usually out of bed by 6:30am or 7:00am on weekdays, and by 8:00am on weekends (though I'll often just have breakfast and go back to bed until 10:00am or so, especially after a heavy night before). Weekend afternoons are usually spent napping (noon to 3:00pm or 4:00pm), and I go to bed at either around 9:00pm (on nights when I don't go to shows) or around 2:00am (on nights when I go to shows).



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i'm definately a night hawk.. i need a few hours after waking up (and a few coffees) to feel human again

my problem

never have a coffee it does help to wake you up eh?

my god i need a few hours to wake up also

not really normal though

ha ha frig it going back to bed to wake up right

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