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The Police @ ACC

Kanada Kev

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Well, I had purchased tix back when the initial hype of the announcement was still fresh. Seemed like ages away at the time. Then, two more shows get added in Toronto and I realize that there's now way I should have paid full price for the tix. Oh well, it was time to go to the show last night.

We got in the doors just as The Police took the stage ... 8:45 sharp. Despite the flood of tix on the market, the place was packed. It was filled much like when U2 was last here, even in and around the stage.

Nice minimalist setup on stage. No crazy pyro or nothing. Really was highlighting the 3 players on stage with no need for additional support. 3 large screens high above the stage and 2 on either side provided for lots of close-ups of the players. Because of that, it really didn't matter how close you were. We moved over part way through the show to get some improved sound. Went to the opposite end of the ACC away from the stage, but centred. Sounded perfect!!! I am often amazed at the sonic output that a good trio can pump out.

They barrelled through one song after another and it was a really well done setlist. Covered all of their stuff the best they could. I was really impressed with at least half a dozen tunes that they worked into some decent jam sequences. You could tell by their interplay on stage at moments that they were really communicating with one another and enjoying the ride. One song came to a bit of an abrupt end as it looked like Sting and Andy got a little lost. Nobody really seemed to mind.

Stewart Copeland is really fun to watch on the kit. The last time I had seen him was with Oysterhead at Massey Hall. This was no Oysterhead show, but he was able to really get in to the groove.

Sting's voice is in fine form. Wow, on some of the arrangements it seemed as they may have shifted keys to allow for voice changes, but then on others he was belting them out with his smooth delivery and energy. I still think that he has one cool looking bass.

So a buddy of mine calls me and tells me he's heading to the show tonight and coming up from Rochester. I get the green light, and now I'm going to see them again tonight. I scored a pair of tix in section 304 for only $40!!! There's more to be had. Check out these listings:


Should be another good show tonight. Anyone else going down??????

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Yup, another great show last night. No changes in the setlist :( but they were sounding better and the PA was better tuned.

Stings voice is in top-form. Really blew me away again.

TONS of tix wayyy below cost outside the venue. They were dumping them hours before showtime. Heard one scalper bitching that he made more money selling Police tix back in 1980!!! Ha :)

Only $20 for me last night and it was WELL worth it.

Keep your eye on eBay if you need some cheapies fast. They'll keep going down in price, but just get your ass into the show :)


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i had a great time at the show. they sounded good and the stage was cool. played everything i could think of.

the orbit room was going off...never seen the place so packed before. funny how no matter which concert you've just seen, KB manages to leave it in the dust. harry manx was there and got up on stage to sing a few tunes, which was really cool. another woman (susie ?) got up to sing one as well. V mentioned the police show to KB so they did their police tune. twas fun.


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Cool. Damn, I wish I had thought of heading up there to catch a few tunes before going home. Oh well, gotta remember for the next time.

Saw a pic on the commuter paper today of Sting doing yoga at one of the downtown yoga centres.

Wonder if they'll switch up the setlist at all before their return in November. If I can score tix for $20 again I'll go for the hat trick :)

Wish they would tour another Police Picnic. Now THOSE were some great festivals with a fun collection of bands.




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thanks for the ticket heather!

it really turned out to be a fantastic view. right above stewart....i saw every note he hit!

it was an 'ok' concert. some songs were played well, others were butchered....at one point they started a song, and sting was strumming the chords to so lonely.....he just laughed, smiled, and started over.

over all, i thought it was worth the $100 i paid.....but only once....

it would be worth the $20 scalper prices over and over.

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Glad to hear a good review, thanks Kev, the hype for this tour has seriously dwindled (see ticket prices). I've seen Sting before so my expectations are in line, but I'm still very excited to see a band I never thought I'd have the opportunity to tomorrow.

Enjoy the show tonight brothers Bouchard!

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Stings voice is in top-form. Really blew me away again.

i thot that too, so I couldnt understand why he dropped an octave on a few tunes. it wasnt like he couldnt hit the high notes, because he did on other tunes.

overall, a solid 8 1/2 for me. invisible sun was the highlight for me. i dig dark police. im really glad i went, even if we did help pay for sting's new gold plated yoga mat.

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invisible sun was the highlight for me. i dig dark police.

Well said PT.

Great show tonight.

Mike and I want to stay for tomorrow. We dont even care that it would be the same thing.

I think I got a few decent pics that I will be able to put up tomorrow or Friday. Its a shame we didnt have my bro's shit going down.

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