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Baseball playoffs!

Freak By Night

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Jays, go figure.

I will explain further some day but the Boston Red Sox ruined a part of my life when they finally won a World Series. I never wanted to be alive when they won. All I have left is the Leafs.

Anyways, tonight is a different game thus far. 6th inning. GO ROCKIES YOU FUCKS!

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Is it just me, or are the playoffs on Fox extremely boring this year? I'm a huge baseball fan - usually watch every second of the playoffs and WS as I can. But, the other night I even forgot to turn it on until about 8:45. I thought that I had missed the first 30 minutes, but the game had just started. And that may have something to do with it - the games are starting way too late, and I cant stay up for most of them. Fox has extra long commercial breaks as well. On the other hand, the radio broadcasts are enjoyable with Jon Miller (he's always been great) and Joe Morgan. So what's the deal? Is it the teams (every team that I've wanted to win has lost every series)? Is it Fox? Is it me?

And I'd love to be able to watch the games with my kids, but that's only possible on Saturday nights, and even then we can only watch a couple of innings together before bedtime. I cannot stand what Selig has done to the game.

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As I said above, I seem to be most interested in the first round and I'm sure it has something to do with the day games. It's great to come home from work and catch the end of the early game, then watch the 6 o'clock game and then having the option of watching the late game if that's not enough already.

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the sox were the best team in baseball and they deserve that championship...definately was cheering for the rockies (or whoever isn't boston/nyc) but what can ya do...

the fact that its over means we're one day closer to the jays startin up spring training and finishing in third place again (three cheers for optimism ;) )

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Man, I tried watching some of the game. I don't know if it's just because it's the World Series, but my GAWD the games are slow. Seriously, do they really need 6 minutes between pitches? I think it was the game on Friday night when I stopped watching in the 5th inning, watched a movie, came back and they were only in the 7th?! WTF.

In football, playing the clock is a strategy and a huge skill. Same goes for basketball i suppose. But in baseball, it's only purpose is to bore the viewer (other than giving one of your 5 pitching changes a chance to warm up ).

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In football, playing the clock is a strategy and a huge skill. Same goes for basketball i suppose. But in baseball, it's only purpose is to bore the viewer (other than giving one of your 5 pitching changes a chance to warm up ).

spoken like someone who's never been on the mound or in the box. :P

im a little disappointed that the Sox swept, i really wanted to see the Rockies make a series of it... not surprising, though... baseball's one of the streakiest games, and the wall the Rockies hit wasnt the Red Sox, it was the 8 days before the Sox - i wonder how this series would have went if they both played on 2 (or 8) days rest? the momentum swing for boston, winning 3 straight against cleveland to explode into the world series was probably the biggest determining factor.

i agree with afropoppa, though - they were the best team in the majors this year, and deserve the championship. thats a pretty deep roster over there.

the best part about this for the rockies, i'd think, is that they learned a helluva lot about what they have and dont have.. if they can get themselves a couple more arms, this could be a team to watch for the next few years.

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I didnt mind the playoffs too much. Its baseball - its long, it drawn out, but thats the nature of the game.

I always enjoy a decent series over a sweep, but what ya gonna do?

Still hate Boston. Especially Papelbon and his turdy facial expression. Dave Stewart, now there's a ptiching face. Papelbon just looks like a dink.

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not really surprised...

a) his agent is scott boras.. $$$.. look what he did for j.d. drew opting out a year ago.

B) torre isnt coming back

c) new york constantly reminds him that even though he IS A-Rod, he's NOT Jeter.

d) with the failed yankee experiment, i can see him going somewhere with a lot less pressure and little hope of ever winning anything, to quietly cement his legacy as the games greatest individual player. what "team player" would cripple the organization with 30mil/year for himself? Boras' "market value" buzzword or not, thats ridiculous.

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