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Lets ARGUE ....


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So yeah heres a thread to argue point for or against something.... I for one am for defending myself, my family, freinds amd my stuff by any means necessary. If this had to include shooting/Maiming another human then so be it. I wouldn't feel bad for it, i woudlnt think twice about it. discuss, add or whatever

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I'd like to maim the city of Kitchener for issuing me a $20.00 parking ticket on Tuesday after I paid $7.00 to park on a snow covered lot (I guess when the snow melted I was over the yellow line of my spot....I'm assuming 30 other people in the lot also got this fine).

Then I'd like to maim the city of Waterloo for "fixing" my water-main resulting in $2,500.00 in repairs from my own pocket which they will not take any responsibility for. My hedge was also destroyed (RIP Bushy friend).

Do I need to start another thread to discuss this topic?

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i could use a bowl or 10 right now.....

Normally, you'd be my kinda guy. Guns are cool, killing stuff is even cooler, but since you are an admitted DRUG USER, I would have to shoot you if you came near me or anyone else I know.

Oh and keep your hands off my stuff. I worked very hard for my things and I have no problem killing people (or anything else for that matter) to protect it, you dirty drug addict.

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i could use a bowl or 10 right now.....

Normally' date=' you'd be my kinda guy. Guns are cool, killing stuff is even cooler, but since you are an admitted DRUG USER, I would have to shoot you if you came near me or anyone else I know.

Oh and keep your hands off my stuff. I worked very hard for my things and I have no problem killing people (or anything else for that matter) to protect it, you dirty drug addict.[/quote']

[color:purple]oh yeah i understand man nothing like a couple bowls to get me into the mood for Break and entering to steal all i can!!

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i caught a guy trying to break into my car once. i had him pinned to the ground and just wanted to know a reason, kids? drugs? hungry? he said kids but after asking the age then what grades they are in i think he was lying. anyhow, i let him go but felt the need to protect my space and uttered a threat as he left. when he got to the corner he said , ' your a good person man'. i hope and feel that threatening to call the police but giving the guy a chance, was more benefit than whatever the courts would of done with him.

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I'm happy for this thread. Ollie's solution (run away, call the cops) works well if 1) you are alone and 2) you have a clear, unobstructed exit. But if a child or significant other is in the other room, running away doesn't seem a realistic option. Shooting/stabbing/beating-head-against-wall would weigh on me pretty heavily, but leaving someone vulnerable to rape and murder would be a far heavier weight.

If someone is breaking into the car, I'd be liable to shout at them from the balcony and hope they run off. I'd leave it there (and trust me, people breaking into the car is *not* a novel occurrence for us). I know from experience that when actual lives are in danger, I run straight for the knives -- and have no apologies for it.

I understand why people do what they do, but I also understand what they are capable of. There is a reason the law makes allowances for self-defense. "Every one who is unlawfully assaulted without having provoked the assault is justified in repelling force by force if the force he uses is not intended to cause death or grievous bodily harm and is no more than is necessary to enable him to defend himself."

There is no. fucking. way. that I'm allowing loved ones to be left vulnerable to violent exploitation. I'm surprised, in the other thread, that anyone thinks I should. ('though I get that none of this is actually on topic for the other thread, where good vibes and friendly support were requested and only good vibes ought to have been granted or the request silently ignored)

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I didn't interpret what ollie wrote as intending that he'd leave anyone behind/vulnerable (he made no mention of anyone else in his description of what he'd do). I hope that, in a similar situation, I'd focus on those in the home who were there with me, and do what was in their best interest, with everybody get the fvck out being the preferred, but only, mechanism to achieve their safety.



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