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Bobbly Clarke loves what Downie did !!!!!

Kanada Kev

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Holy FUCK Clarke is a jackass.


"When he went after Blake, I loved it," Clarke told TSN.

For Clarke, the rationale for Downie's actions was totally justified.

"Blake was a guy who had no problem going out and saying (Downie) should be suspended for life or suspended for the year," he explained, referring to Blake's reaction last September to the McAmmond incident. "When you say something that stupid, why shouldn't this kid go after him for it?"

"The kid did what every hockey player should do," added the former Broad Street Bully. "If a player like Blake who's been around as long as he has wants to criticize a player then he has to go on the ice with him and suffer the consequences."

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Clarke's a maddening kind of guy. He drafts class acts like Richards and Carter, has a hand in the deals to bring in two other class acts like Briere and Timmonen. Now he praises Downey's gutless action against poor Blake. No wonder my dad's best friend and former teammate/roommate has never liked him.

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It was a sucker punch but Blake brought it on. I don't agree with anything Downie has done but he has served his punishments and if Blake is constantly going to go public in the media then he should man up and confront Downie on the ice. This may not be the politically correct view but it is right ;) lol

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Is Downie then going to go after anyone who said anything about him...Including coaches and GM's...

Ooooooh, and Downie just sucker punched Paddock in the face. It was deserved though...you know after everything the coaches said to the media about Downie.

There should be no place in the NHL for cheapshots...

Hopefully Grats eats him for dinner on the 20th

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Now he praises Downey's gutless action against poor Blake

Boohoo, poor Blake.... I agree with Clarke and I don't think it was gutless, it seemed more spur of the moment in the scuffle, hence the no suspension.

Take another look at it. Downie looks up, sees that Blake is helpess and then takes his chance to pop him. That's pre-meditation.

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It was a sucker punch but Blake brought it on. I don't agree with anything Downie has done but he has served his punishments and if Blake is constantly going to go public in the media then he should man up and confront Downie on the ice. This may not be the politically correct view but it is right ;) lol

What? Well it sure looks like you're agreeing with what Downie did here. So, Blake brought in on? Words, man ... words!!! Most humans understand the great wisdom of "sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me." If NHLers responded with sucker punches and violence to what all their opponents say about them on, and off, the ice the game (since that's OK by you) they'd be running out of players at this point.

Please, justify it again for me ... you say something nasty to/about me, then I come over to your work while a couple of people hold you down and I punch the shit out of you. It all OK since you "brought it on"? As everyone around stands looking at me disgusted, I then look back and SMILE at them just like Downie. Maybe I get a fine, but then you're OK with me since I will have served my punishments and then I can go out 4 days later and do it again.

Yup, now I know why Booche wants to pull his hair out reading some of your posts!

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Please, justify it again for me ... you say something nasty to/about me, then I come over to your work while a couple of people hold you down and I punch the shit out of you. It all OK since you "brought it on"? As everyone around stands looking at me disgusted, I then look back and SMILE at them just like Downie. Maybe I get a fine, but then you're OK with me since I will have served my punishments and then I can go out 4 days later and do it again.

Hey Kev, can you get a slashing penalty where you work?

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Kev, the rules of life dont always apply to the rules on the ice(or field, or court etc...written and unwritten). Trying to find consistency in the two will just make your head spin.

Again, if Downy is planning on laying a beating on all those NHLers that publicly lambasted him then hes gonna have to stay in the league for a loooooong time and he might want to take some sort of growth hormone.

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