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NFL Playoffs


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From ProFootballTalk.com :


Okay, we recognize from the outset that this one is kind of ridiculous. But it's nevertheless fascinating, if it's true.

On Monday morning, a reader suggested that Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo, spotting his own mug on the Texas Stadium Jumbotron late in Sunday's game, gave a Carol Burnett-style ear tug, possibly as a message to his girlfriend, Jessica Simpson.

So we fired up the DVR, and there it was. With 3:46 to play in the game and the Cowboys trailing by four, FOX had a shot of Romo sitting on the bench, without his helmet. He looks around a bit, makes a goofy face, and then seems to spot himself on the screen . . . and promptly tugs his right ear with his right hand.

He didn't scratch his ear or dig potatoes out of it. He tugged on the bottom of the lobe.

Yeah, it was ridiculous to even mention it. But we have a feeling that any of you with the game on tape will go check it out for yourselves.

Another thing that several readers pointed out is that, as T.O. was walking off of the field after the game with a camera directly to his left, Owens did a quick scratch of the outside of his nostril, with a middle finger.

We checked that one, too. And, yeah, he did it. Whether he meant to send the message that the middle finger projects is a different issue.

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The Pats game was fun to watch! New England has not looked invincible the past few weeks, but they always find a way to win. I'm pumped for the next game as well. I'm hoping for a Green Bay vs. New England Superbowl! Go Green!

On a side note- I am really going to miss watching football on Sunday. It's always a great excuse to eat too much, drink too much and pretty much just hang out and not have to do shit!

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So do I especially if Brady tosses 3 interceptions like he did yesterday. Then again, NE proved once more that they can play any style of ball game so long as it gets them a win. The betting line is going to be around 14 but lets hope the final score isnt. I dont want to be disinterested come the second half.

I cant believe I am about to write this:

Go Giants.

I feel dirty but my hatred for those cheating Patriot bastards is at an all-time high and they dont deserve no stinking SuperBowl.

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You guys know that the point spread is designed to encourage equally betting on both sides and is not a reflection of what the bookmaker thinks the actual final score will be, right?

"Win if you can, lose if you must, but always cheat." - Jesse Ventura

"Cheat to win." - Eddie Guerrero


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So, Tom Petty at half-time ... i like that. I read elsewhere the following:

apparently he was asked NOT to play You Dont Know How It Feels. the reference to Lets Roll Another Joint is not appealing to the NFL. come on Tom you have millions csrew them. say it loud and proud. funny how that works. im sure some alcohol company with be plastered all over the Bowl. welcome to the hypocrtical America.
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The Pats have had an amazing year. I want to see them win because they have earned it. They "spygate" scandel was bullshit. Everyone is doing stuff do get an edge. Every team in the NFL has a lip reader with binoculars watching everything the opposing coaching staff is saying. Are the Pats the first team to use a camera man? I doubt it.

New England has been so good this year, they deserve their place in history. Even when other teams have figured out how to stop them, they keep coming up with new weapons. That's what a truly great team does. The Giants have to be respected. They have a ton of momentum but I really can't place any faith in Eli. I'm predicting a monumental melt down in the big game.

You have to know that Belichick still has a few surprises up his sleeve. This should be an awesome Superbowl. I'll be watching it in Florida with the In-laws!

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They "spygate" scandel was bullshit.

So why did the NFL take away a first round pick? That is a huge penalty and one that shouldnt be taken lightly. Huge penalties happen when they are deemed to fit the crime. I wouldnt be surprised if Belicheat has more tricks up his sleeve.

I can respect the Pats on both sides of the ball but that doesnt mean I have to like them.

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Steve Simmons, Sun Media: My thumb is up to WLUK television in Green Bay Wisconsin, where they decided the other day to pull Seinfeld from their lineup. Why? Because it's Eli Manning's favourite show. It was supposed to air Saturday at 5pm, but instead the network aired old Green Bay Packers highlights. Jerry Seinfeld heard this and sent Eli the complete season of the show, along with a half season of Hogan's Heroes for some reason. At least Eli had something to watch in preparation of his Conference Championship game and good for WLUK for having some fun with the situation.
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