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I Hate Snow


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I used to love skiing, but that was a long time ago when I didn't work monday to friday.

I am sick of snow because:

- the driveway needs to be shovelled

- our driveway is big

- we rent part of our driveway so the whole thing needs to be clear

- snowplows put the road snow back on your driveway and that needs to be moved

- our gazeebo is not winter worthy. there is no snowload rating so I have to take care that it is clear or it will collapse.

- car needs to be cleared before it is driven to work and 8 am is no time to scrape of snow and ice

- snow creates traffic. why does snow back up traffic to a standstill? I can see people driving more cautious and slower, but why does traffic grind to a halt? My 5 minute ride turns into 1.5 hours when it snows.

- snowtires rock. However, if you have them, it doesn't mean that you can drive like you're in the NASCAR.

- watch out for falling ice. I have been looking up recently with the melting. Have you seen some of the 4 -5 foot icicles that hang from the buildings? I guy in Montreal got nailed a month ago by falling ice and was in critical condition.

This post was started because I thought spring was here and I found out that it isn't. Damn tricky weather. There's a big storm coming in and I need to mentally prepare for it by posting my winter pet peeves.


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Remember what you enjoyed as a kid you don't enjoy so much as you get older like SNOW!

I also have to shovel my driveway and it slopes down toward the house.

The worst driveway ever.

As for icicles on houses !Its because they have no eavestroughs in Hull on many buildings!

Ontario doesn't get as much snow as Quebec and we have eaves on the houses and buildings.

So enjoy the next storm and remember Spring isn't as far away now.

Happy Snowday!

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my water comes from a well. i love snow becuase it becomes groundwater :) and i really like my neighbour because he lets me borrow his plow and snowblower.

i now hate newspapers in bags hidden in the snow as they will stop a snowblower :)

congrats on the new place by the way!

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my water comes from a well. i love snow becuase it becomes groundwater :) and i really like my neighbour because he lets me borrow his plow and snowblower.

i now hate newspapers in bags hidden in the snow as they will stop a snowblower :)

congrats on the new place by the way!

cheers, schwa.! once the unpacking is done there will be a party :)

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I think snow is beautiful!! I love it when it's sunny and the snow is sparkly. I also love to go for walks when it's snowing cause no one is outside.

I also don't like it cause I can't bike, and a lot of my pants are wider on the bottom so they always get wet and the salt stains them.. sigh...not to mention that it's cold.

ahh well... snow is jut part of life here... *shrug*

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