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a documentary on Jerry Garcia.....


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If you were to watch a documentary on Jerry Garcia's influence on bluegrass today......

1) what would you want to see in the documentary?

2) who would you want to see in the documentary?

3) what questions would you want to hear answered?

4) what topics or sub-topics would you want to hear covered.

I've been thinking about this for a while and have started making it come to fruition. I would really appreciate any comments or suggestions anyone has! Thanks.

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Definitely bluegrass first had an influence on Jerry's music - not the other way around. I agree with you Burnt and Dancingbear.

But let me put it like this though. Think of Tony Rice or David Grisman or Bela Fleck or Peter Rowan etc... I would think you could safely say that their music (or much of) was influenced by bluegrass. At the same time - I would be surprised if you found anyone who said they didn't have an influence on bluegrass today.

I'm trying to pry into bluegrass today and see if it would be any different if Jerry had never been around.

Personally, my love for bluegrass has a direct correlation to Garcia. Seems like it may be so for Booche too ;^) I was so mesmorized by Garcia I wanted to hear everything he said, played, did - and so I stumbled upon bluegrass via Old & in the Way.

Also - look at all the "jamband" festivals. Look at all the bluegrass now at these "jamband" festivals. Would it be this way if we had never heard of Jerry Garcia?

(Thanks for the input so far!)

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The notion that Jerry influenced the world of bluegrass brings out the skeptic in me. It's much like saying Eric Clapton influenced the blues.

In both their cases maybe they helped shine a light on it. In Jerry's case his bluegrass playing was more focused and more methodical, with a little les room to breathe - and I think that was his way of respecting the art that influenced him rather than the other way around.

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Seems like it may be so for Booche too

Totally, 100%

In Jerry's case his bluegrass playing was more focused and more methodical, with a little les room to breathe - and I think that was his way of respecting the art that influenced him rather than the other way around.

Exactly. Keep in mind Blurry that at one point, Jerry's dream was to be a member of Bill Munroe's band. He finally realized he wasnt going to cut it. Thankfully he always looked forward or we would never have known about him or all that great Americana music to which he opened up to so many ears. You would have to interview a ton of actual bluegrass players, or at least ones proficient enough at their instrument, that are playing away from the traditionalist norm to find out what Jerry's influence was on them. How many bluegrass bands do you know that do just that? There's some that are obvious but I really dont think you would get very far. Best of luck though. That's a huge undertaking.

If anything, his approach to music in general taught the most lessons learned and luckily for us he became involved in bluegrass again in the mid-70's and then all that great Dawg music in the late 80's early 90's.

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Garcia's influence on bluegrass?


He pissed off a ton of traditionalists because stoned hippies began attaching themselves to that 'scene' and tried learning to play, albeit sloppy and shitty as fuck.

Consider me one of them.

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You would have to interview a ton of actual bluegrass players

And that's really were any credit to the documentary will lie.

You're right Booche this will be a huge undertaking - definitely at least a couple/few years down the line before there's anything concrete.

Davey Boy - thanks for your answers.

AdamH - I certainly respect your stance. Though I do think he influenced it (which is obvious from the thread) - take an example that pops to mind right away of YMSB. WOuld they rock a song for 10 minutes if Jerry had never been?

I've done a good chunk of brainstorming for this - I was throwing this out there because I want to cover all angles. And I've got a couple of things I hadn't thought of. So thanks!

Much apprecition for all your views and input!

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You would have to interview a ton of actual bluegrass players

AdamH - I certainly respect your stance. Though I do think he influenced it (which is obvious from the thread) - take an example that pops to mind right away of YMSB. WOuld they rock a song for 10 minutes if Jerry had never been?

Far be it from me to dictate the content of your documentary too explicitly. If you're thesis is that early 90's hippiegrass bands like YMSB were influenced by the Dead or by Jerry I would completely agree with you.

I'd be interested in hearing old timers talk about whether Garcia influenced them. Take a camera to Tottenham and ask people if he did or didn't influence their playing.

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If you're thesis is that early 90's hippiegrass bands like YMSB were influenced by the Dead or by Jerry I would completely agree with you.

That's definitely a part of the theory - but not limited to that

I'd be interested in hearing old timers talk about whether Garcia influenced them. Take a camera to Tottenham and ask people if he did or didn't influence their playing.

I do want to make this well rounded and get responses like the ones you're looking for where they look at me and have no idea what I'm talking about when I say Jerry Garcia and bluegrass in the same sentence. Like Davey Boy said, a bit of comic relief is good too.

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