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crowds at a show


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ive noticed a lot of dicussion here about crowds at shows. so, i'd like to toss these out for discussion:

can a bad crowd ruin a good show for you?

can a good crowd make a bad show good?

what makes a crowd bad or good?

and yeah, i know, Toronto crowds are the worst, yadda yadda yadda. ;)

i'll offer up my opinion to start. if a show is good, it's good. the crowd can make it less enjoyable, but can't ruin it for me. a crowd can make a mediocre show better. but even the greatest crowd cannot make a bad show good.

i really cannot say what makes a "good" crowd, other than they are into the show and seem to know (at least, some of) the music.

my pet peeve: people who spend the whole show on their blackberry, shining that damn screen in my face.

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fighting with lawn chair people pretty much ruined van morrison for me last year, so i guess it can affect me. it's hard to ignore what's going on around you sometimes.

other than lawn chairs, my pet peeve at shows is people chatting.

i think a good crowd can make a bad show good if the band can feed off of that :)

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Crowds never bother me. If anything its staff at different venues. Nothing I hate more than dickhead security guards. They can ruin a good show for me.

Only once has another member of an audience got in the way of my good time. This guy kept asking me to shut -up. We were sitting in the last row of the top level at the ACC. It was a rock concert. He didnt get the best of me.

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no crowd has ever ruined a show for me. I do hate the smelly ppl at shows or anywhere fro that matter...really though, you're an adult, clean yourself up for Fuck sakes...Deoderant and Soap are 2 very good things. but usually after expressing my displeasure at the "STENCH", very loudly, mind you; the offender usually moves off and keeps a good distance.

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It's pretty rare that a crowd can ruin a show for me. Unless I am personally offended by someone, ie. slimy come-ons that aren't funny or violence than the crowd can't wreck a show. I can just ignore them and concentrate on the tunes. However, an awesome crowd at a bad show can make it all worthwhile. If the band completely lacks talent but the crowd is super friendly and just wants to dance and have a good time with everyone present than it doesn't really matter if the band can only play two chords and is tone deaf, it'll still be a good night.

Personally, I like outdoor shows the best. Being able to appreciate music and nature simultaneously is heaven. I also like having a lot of space to dance, I hate having people in my bubble. Mind you, I think everything is better outside, the three f's of human instinct especially!

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The crowd at the first Greendale run in Toronto nearly ruined the show for me. Two drunk hillbillies were having a domestic in front of me and the group of 4 suits sitting behind us (given the tickets by their business no doubt) never stopped talking about how much the tunes sucked because he wasn't playing cinnamon girl.

I say nearly ruined because i eventually embarrassed the hillbillies into leaving and flat out told the suits to fuck off. probably not the most diplomatic solution but it worked.

A crowd that never disappoints are the spreadheads. i've never felt that funny intangible energy outside of a Phish show until i saw WSP inside at the shows in Detroit and Cleveland in '06.

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It's never "crowds" that have ruined shows for me

in the past. All it takes is a few "bad apples".

For example:

- that kid who, at his first concert ever, and drinking for probably the first time in his life, puked all over my $49.50 charcoal-gray suit.

- that lady who freaked out on me for stepping on the corner of her blanket while I walked through the crowd. Your blanket is 8 feet by 8 feet, and you're sitting alone for crying out loud!

- those people in lawnchairs yelling at me to sit down, then threatening violence when I don't. Jesus H. Christ dude, get up and dance!

- that couple who lost it on me because I bumped

into the back of their stroller. The stroller contained their baby who couldn't have been any more than 2 months old. Wait a minute, you brought your newborn to the front of the crowd at a rock concert, and I'm the bad guy?

- that weirdo who grabbed my girlfriend's ass last year at the bluesfest. What's up with the sexual assault, jerkwad?

- that weirdo who grabbed my ass at the Bela Fleck show (that was Booche, so it was OK)

[color:purple]For these reasons, I refuse to go to any concert now without my gun. Anyone hassles me, they're face to face with Messrs. Smith & Wesson.

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Ya people in the crowd have ruined a show for me, I had to tell this couple to shut the fuck up at a phish show cause the never stopped talking, they didn't even watch the show just talk talk talk. Sometimes the drunk loser who wants to chat with you can wreck a good show too.

I do thing bands get their energy from an audience too, if the crowd is quiet and not into the show the band starts to deflate.

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