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Ryan Adams cover on Canadian Idol


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I don't watch Canadian Idol, but I caught a bit of it while I was channel surfing last night, and it looked like Gavin Rossdale (that guy from the band "Bush") was performing. Is it part of the show's format that established performers get airtime?



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so if one of us played Two with a band like that, everyone would leave the room to spew vitriol on the internet? please. it's not a good version, but it's not terrible, and at least it's a good song. he could have picked something much much much worse. which is what i imagine every other person on that show did.

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I had never watched any portion of either American or Canadian Idol until a few nights ago. While channel surfing I came across this dude singing Ophelia, and I actually stopped and watched. I actually thought that the dude was allright. The judges fawned over him as well. They thought it was a "very mature" song song choice. I guess mature means a song that isn't very mainstream.

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I had never watched any portion of either American or Canadian Idol until a few nights ago. While channel surfing I came across this dude singing Ophelia, and I actually stopped and watched. I actually thought that the dude was allright. The judges fawned over him as well. They thought it was a "very mature" song song choice. I guess mature means a song that isn't very mainstream.

Canadian Idol trumps the American version when it comes to variety in song selection. Another guy sang a Serena Ryder tune this week. I've also heard the Jayhawks this season and David Bowie week was cool.

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I really dislike that performer.

Ive been watching Canadian Idol on youtube as a friend..Drew Wright is one of the top 8....or maybe seven now..dont know.

Its like the whole town of Collingwood has joined a weird cult...the bars are packed with people watching the results on Tuesday, there are posters everywhere...craziness.

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Drew is actually a really great guy...honestly nice and humble..and talented.Great voice..I like his original stuff.

I think hes struggling a bit with finding a balance between not really being a Canadian Idol type..hes not shmarmy,campy or theatrical...and trying to do well on the show without feeling like a sell out.The more he tries to counter the judges telling him he should be more animated...the farther he gets from what I like about him.

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