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Enough of the Dead...


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Jesus does anyone appreciate music that's being created in the here and now? I'm not crying over how much they're charging to see the "what's left" of the Grateful Dead.

I paid $15 for ticket to see Blitzen Trapper on a Saturday night in Toronto. To me, that's WAY better then what I'd see the same damn people do the same damn thing in Buffalo on a weeknight. Fuck it! Let's try to move on emotionally.

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Jesus does anyone appreciate music that's being created in the here and now? I'm not crying over how much they're charging to see the "what's left" of the Grateful Dead.

I paid $15 for ticket to see Blitzen Trapper on a Saturday night in Toronto. To me, that's WAY better then what I'd see the same damn people do the same damn thing in Buffalo on a weeknight. Fuck it! Let's try to move on emotionally.

I was going to try and answer that, but then I realized that most of the music I listen to now-a-days was created & recorded before the second world war. 028ws9.gif

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Jesus does anyone appreciate music that's being created in the here and now? I'm not crying over how much they're charging to see the "what's left" of the Grateful Dead.

I paid $15 for ticket to see Blitzen Trapper on a Saturday night in Toronto. To me' date=' that's WAY better then what I'd see the same damn people do the same damn thing in Buffalo on a weeknight. Fuck it! Let's try to move on emotionally. [/quote']

I was going to try and answer that, but then I realized that most of the music I listen to now-a-days was created & recorded before the second world war. 028ws9.gif

At least you're not crying about how much they want to see a show. It's either in your price range or it ain't. The Dead sure as shit aren't in my price range right now. I'm not gonna complain that they're charging that much. Same as Neil or anyone else. When you're a low income kinda dude you just adjust. I have NO complaints about what music costs these days. I saw this band "$100" on Friday for $8 and it was more than worth the money I spent on it.

I've seen Neil before, I've seen The Dead before. Not being able to afford to see them again right now may kinda suck but it sure as shit doesn't ruin my day. I've got tickets to see things that cost WAY less that I'm more excited to see anyways.

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A friend of mine did a tour through the US with jason isbell tour managing the opener... can't remember who it was though. He had great things to say about those guys... looking forward to seeing them.

As for the Dead... that's what they're charging. If you wanna see them, you gotta pay it. Music costs money to bring around the country, especially large scale shows like that. Remember that part in Festival Express where the concert goers are protesting and crying over not being able to get into the festival for free?? Same thing. Times change, and they're not the Grateful Dead.

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You also have to remember they're playing venues that are unionized. What are ya gonna do? Prices go up! That's just what happens man! Move on.

I didn't wanna pay it because it would mean I'd have to skip a lot of shit that's more important to me. If seeing some old fuck brutalize a Dead tune is worth more to you than seeing something new, different and fun then pay for it! Otherwise just MOVE ON!

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I wonder if we could convince DSO (or some other Dead cover/tribute band) to tour the same cities as The Dead, but one day behind them all the way, each night recreating the previous night's Dead show (and charging half or less than half of what The Dead are charging)...



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I wonder if we could convince DSO (or some other Dead cover/tribute band) to tour the same cities as The Dead, but one day behind them all the way, each night recreating the previous night's Dead show (and charging half or less than half of what The Dead are charging)...



I still wouldn't pay money to see it. There's enough else good stuff going on.

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I wonder if we could convince DSO (or some other Dead cover/tribute band) to tour the same cities as The Dead, but one day behind them all the way, each night recreating the previous night's Dead show (and charging half or less than half of what The Dead are charging)...



I feel like my brain just stepped in dogshit.

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I still ponder about this topic...as some of you know I was, at one time, a Deadfreak of an almost bouche proportion...I was lucky to see "The Grateful Dead", as in with Jerry, several times as well as The Jerry Garcia Band, with Jerry...

After Jerry died I did see "The Other Ones" and also JGB but for me it was not the same...I still love the music and have great memories but thanks to seeing The Grateful Dead I don't pass up the chance to try to hear new music and artists who are putting out amazing music in their own styles, some who are most definitely inspired by TGD, The Beatles, The Stones, etc and I'm not just talkin' jambands...

Would I pay what "The Dead" are asking??? Not bloody likely but that's just me...I'm lucky to live in a city that has world class musicians and amazing artists that roll through on a regular basis and much happier to support them and their music...

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