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First aiders: What should you do when someone is having a heart attack?


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phorbesie has said several times that she may just have a heart attack when Phish hits the stage Friday and I almost believe her. If she died 'cuz I didn't know how to save her it would put a real damper on the Saturday and Sunday shows, so what does one do to help a heart attack victim?

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oh man, this kind of hits home, sorry to be a downer, but a co-worker had a heart attack at work the other day. A couple of my other co workers performed CPR on him and brought him back. Unfortunatley he didn't make it but the heroic actions of my brothers bought the man enough time to see his wife again. I hope to never go through something like that again but it goes to show how important CPR training is. If you haven't got it, GET IT.

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Well, you're giving her an injection of adrenalin straight to her heart. But she's got a breast plate in front of her heart, so you gotta pierce through that. So what you gotta do is bring the needle down in a stabbing motion. If you want the needle to pierce through to her heart, you gotta stab her hard. Then once you do, push down on the plunger.

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Well, you're giving her an injection of adrenalin straight to her heart. But she's got a breast plate in front of her heart, so you gotta pierce through that. So what you gotta do is bring the needle down in a stabbing motion. If you want the needle to pierce through to her heart, you gotta stab her hard. Then once you do, push down on the plunger.

For a more elaborate and dramatic explanation, see "Pulp Fiction"

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