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OMFG ... Feist just walked into my restaurant


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OMFG Fiest just walked into my restaurant and sat down, and ordered a beer.

As she sipped the beer, she heard a soothing voice say "nice blouse!"

Looking around, she noticed that the bar was empty except for herself and the bartender at the end of the bar. A few sips later the voice said "beautiful hair".

At this, the Fiest called the bartender over. "Hey...I must be losing my mind," she told the bartender. "I keep hearing these voices saying nice things, and there's not a soul in here but us."

"It's the peanuts," answered the bartender.

"Say what?"

"You heard me," said the barkeep. "It's the peanuts ... they're complimentary."

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Dear Penthouse... I never thought it would happen to me but...


Don't own a restaurant just work a light schedule at a popular Thai restaurant that's literally two minutes from my door in Little Portugal. It's a pretty slack job on a few levels and there's a lot of really fascinating creative types in the area it puts me in touch with. I'm also promoting the music at a newer restaurant just east of Dovercourt called Sage West which is trying to position itself as a less pretentious Trane or something along those lines.

So she was approaching the counter and I hadn't seen her in years and I go "Leslie?" and she's like "yeah". I was just sort of flabbergasted like she was coming out of the fog. She and a friend were going to the Howie Beck show and in a rush, so I got them some fresh stuff quick and we caught up a bit. I'd known her from even pre By Divine Right I guess, maybe just post. Before Monarch came out anyways. Saw her open for Chris Brown and Kate Fenner at one of their Christmas shows at the Cameron House that were an institution. I remember being disgusted with her talent, literally disgusted. We exchanged emails and were sort of penpals for a brief time. I'd only seen her twice since and she'd give me a good bit of her time and tell me what was up, what the power dynamics in Broken Social Scene were at the time or whatever. The lowdown.

It was really nice to see her just looking plain and comfortable and totally the person I remember.

It was a sort of boon or magical gift - a piece of luck that comes out of the blue. I had my chin down a bit and in waltzs the crush of my life.

I got a couple of gushy cheesy pictures with her and also said some gushy bordering on churlish Japanese schoolgirl type fandom that will be left unsaid.

Pretty fucking cool.

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Good on ya.

She is an amazing artist. Beyond talent is the thing because there are plenty of talented people who don't create anything very interesting while she is very creative.

I was surprised as to how much more lovely she is in person than on tv or whatnot-I worked her show at the NAC a few months ago and she was very nice. It was interesting to see all the artistry involved in her show; shadow puppet actors and interesting lighting, video and audio techniques....cool stuff.

There is one singer who would make me gush like you did-and what the heck it's better than being too cool and wishing you had said what was in your heart.

I'd rather be a open fool than a cool fool.

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shit like that will never happen where I work. It's more like this:

"So I was analyzing this data model and you'll never guess who walked in. It was the purolator dude. He needed someone to sign for something."

pics eh? post 'em!

How can you forget our visits from Jean Soucie?

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Did your son ever see Feist on Sesame Street, Juls? It was brilliant, "One,Two,Three Four; Penguins standing by the door. I love counting; counting to the number four..."

oh yes. This is where his obsession began about a year and a half ago now or whenever it first appeared on you tube. We must watch this about 4-8 times a month...monsters crawling across the floor. He has already begun to learn it on his guitar.

Congratulations Luke. You are a lucky man. :)

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