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We're back but unfortunately we lost a day.


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[color:brown]Quick Version

The site is working again, but unfortunately, anything posted since June 5th in the AM is gone.

Nerd Version

Something very strange had happened recently. If you remember the Private Messages errors, that was caused by a rogue column in one of the database tables. No one knows how that was created. It looked like a hack, possibly SQL injection, but as far as I know the code for this site is bulletproof for those types of hacks.

Near the same time, I had a failed upgrade that left parts of the site at version 2.2 while other parts were at 3.0 so there was some confusion in the bits and the bytes.

Most recently to compound the problem, there was a MySQL server crash that corrupted the session and cache tables as well as some other mysterious events that caused the site to act funny...really funny.

Guys at Vertexhost.com had to eventually rollback the DB, but they also made sure all of the forum engine files were up-to-date at 3.0 FINAL.

If anyone notices anything, please post again. I can't Q/A this goddamn site as well as you all can. Thanks for the patience and I hope this didn't inconvenience or piss anyone off in any way.

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I see the "user options" & "go to users blog" links bleeding through to the middle of the post instead of being beneath the avatar.

And this is totally random, but there is a smiley-face wearing sunglasses next to the logout button at the top of the page. I don't remember it being there before, and I'm afraid to click it.

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I see the "user options" & "go to users blog" links bleeding through to the middle of the post instead of being beneath the avatar.

And this is totally random, but there is a smiley-face wearing sunglasses next to the logout button at the top of the page. I don't remember it being there before, and I'm afraid to click it.

I need to update the stylesheet to handle the new page items. As for the smiley-face guy.... I see a 'thumbs-up' graphic there.

One of us is off. Maybe it is cached for me.

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Guest Low Roller

Bouche, your continuous efforts and care going into this site are amazing! I hope that you never feel that your work goes unappreciated.

Edit: I don't know why the "In response to Thorgnor" appears above my post. I didn't reply or quote anything of his and simply used the quick reply option. How odd.

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Guest Low Roller

You're in it whether you want to or not.

And Bouche, there is a slight misalignment between the top of the profile frame and the top of the post frame. FIX IT IMMEDIATELY~!

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As Tooly has noted, there's a problem with private topics. When I click on one of them, I get an error:

There was a problem loading this page:

Invalid Link: Either your permission set does not allow you to be here, or It is possible the forum or topic you are trying to view no longer exists in the database.



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