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Wilco (The Album)


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I must have missed the thread(S) where people talked about this. I'm wondering what people think in relation to the whole catalogue and the last. The whole thing's pretty fucking solid and relistenable if you ask me. I thought the repeated mentions to Beatles-indebtedness in the press seemed suspiciously consistent but with repeat listens that influence seems pretty clear. Maybe more of a George Harrison sound than a Beatles sound per se. Nils is used interestingly and a little more sparingly on this one too.

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I heard the new tune on Conan and frankly, I immediately connected it with George Harrison. I hadn't noticed anyone else volunteering that same observation before. I'll have to get the album now. I saw it the other day at starbucks. I won't buy it there.

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I am enjoying this record immensely. Much more than Sky Blue Sky to be honest (although I really liked that one as well). I can't wait to see them perform some of these songs live. My favourite may be the duet with Fiest...a really beautiful song.

I've been lovin' this album since it was leaked. It's worn in nicely and is as comfortable to put on as an old classic. I agree, "You and I" duet is superb. I might say it's the best track on a great disc.

Can't wait for the Art Park show in a couple of weeks :) :) :) Still tix avail.

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I thought Sky Blue Sky was better. But a strong album nonetheless. One Wing and Bull Black Nova are standout tracks for me.

And I agree with the less-Nils comment from above. Not sure if its for the better or worse, but his signature sounds seem conspicuously absent.

Let's hope for another Massey Hall show in the future.

And for those interested, there's a Jay Bennett tribute show happening in Toronto this Thursday July 9th at the Horseshoe. Music will include many of the Wilco tunes Jay is credited with co-writing and some of his solo stuff.

Cover is $10 and all proceeds will go to a charity Jay started that helps provide musical instruments and instruction to underprivileged kids.

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I'll give it a couple listens tomorrow and see if it grows on me at all.

I made it to track 5 on my first listen today before I had to change it. it was so cheesy and corny. One Wing? blech

I'll try again tomorrow. i want to like it, but it doesn't demand that i listen to it. it demands that i listen to it while vacuuming or something. i can't figure this one out.

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