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Roll Call: Ween, Toronto July 29


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It occurred to me over the weekend (which is why it's so relevant to this thread) that if a certain Jewish guy ran an Asian tea shoppe that also offered non-violent martial arts with perhaps a nice cocktail menu and some Siamese takeout with fries, it might be called:

Hy's Muy Tai Chai Tea 'n Tai Chi Thai & Sides Emporium.

Think about it.

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It occurred to me over the weekend (which is why it's so relevant to this thread) that if a certain Jewish guy ran an Asian tea shoppe that also offered non-violent martial arts with perhaps a nice cocktail menu and some Siamese takeout with fries, it might be called:

Hy's Muy Tai Chai Tea 'n Tai Chi Thai & Sides Emporium.

Think about it.

Gold, pure gold!

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Nice to see so many friendly Ottawa faces at the show. It has been way too long since I had seen most of you.

Too bad the show was on a Thursday and I had to work - would've loved to have spent more time with you fine folks.

Show was fantastic, but that's what I have come to expect from Ween in Toronto.

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That was the major problem, Basher. Too many fucking ottawa people. "The Vultures" should stick to circling their own kind and feeding off the negativity they bring everywhere with them. Not only are they super negative but their taste in music leaves a fuckton to be desired.

I swear to fucking God if one of those bastards dare say something to me again, I'm going to REALLY get mad and say something extremely verbose and haughty.



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You're fucking kidding me right? Seriously I save my breath for douchebag's like you.

And while we're on the topic why don't you get The Vultures and their ringleader The Sloth to tell us what songs they played.

a) if you saw how fast and furious the hits came from across the globe for that completely accurate setlist.... well you wouldn't bother to finish this...

B) if you thought NorthernHeads was satirical a fucking decade ago get fucking ready to take one on the fucking chin

"I'm awesome." Reference #1

Sorry I left out the part about how on top of keeping a bang on tally of the setlist, AND, puffing, drinking like literally 3 beers I managed to take I think 350 still photos from various vantage points in the venue.

But I'm always so drunk and high and shit I get so confused.

I guess the last part of that is while The Vultures were horning whatever the fuck they horn up their noses (are animal tranqs still popular?) I was home in bed and up at dawn piecing together the setlist, formatting and editing a 350 photoarray and posting the setlist online. Then again I'm always high and drunk and shit, not to mention batshit crazy - I hardly know what's going on half the time.


Luke C. Bowden

"I'm awesome." Reference #2

That's the benefit of live text. And also the downside of unpaid music journalism, I knew I'd missed a tune or two in there but knew mine would be the best stab at it.

And no Sloth I don't have tonnes of mental and emotional problems, far from it, I'm on a board of directors of a non-profit housing corporation that manages $20M in subsidized real estate for people like myself who've encountered mental illness, homelessness and the criminal justice. I'm a sous chef at a successful restaurant. I am not without feminine company. In short my real friends and they AIN'T on this board, I barely have Barfly 'frands' around here- probably because anybody with any sense or drive in their life got the hell out of this Dead End Scene along time ago. The 30 some odd, aging 30 some odders that make up the remnants of the Canadian Deadhead, Phishead, or 'jamband' scene seem, like always to only have drugs, and increasingly bad music in common.

"I'm awesome." Reference #3

As far as I know I'm the only person that's every really put their name behind their avatar (truly I gave up trying to seperate you all from your handles ages ago mainly because it's incredibly gay). So yes it may be or seem to be that I have been an internet bully, I think there's challenging peoples tastes, perceptions, delusions then there's just outright bullying I'd like to say I know that line but have likely crossed it. Then again it's always the nation vs. me in a big fucking pileon. Same deal with Stillepost where they literally renamed their entire national forum 'Hive of Bitches' after a passing remark I made in the throes of delusion.

This remark is so untrue I don't know where to begin. Perhaps where there are countless people on this board with their actual names as their handle.

But....."I'm awesome." Reference #4

Seriously dude. In one paragraph you state that you're so fucked up on the booze and drugs that you made a mistake in recording the set list, that you were so fucking sure was "bang on" and in the same breath mention that you're "batshit crazy" and hardly know what's going on.

Then as a retort to a reply to that statement, and with various other baseless accusations, you go on to say that you're actually on top of the world with your great job and numerous occupations and responsibilities and "feminine friends" continuing on about how people are cramming animal tranqs up their "horns"

Sad, really.

~Jeff English

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