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nero/moe. in Burlington last night!


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It was great seeing everyone who made it down last night. Seeing the nero boys on stage at the Memorial was amazing if not too short, but they were in fine form none the less.

That was my first moe. show and all I can say is I want moe. shows!


p.s. I'm no good at song titles, but I'm sure when everyone gets home, set lists will be forth coming. Wow!

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Here's moe.'s setlist (from jambands.com boxscores):


Memorial Auditorium , Burlington , VT

Set I: She Sends Me, Captain America, Waiting For The Punchline, Moth* > Kids*

Set II: Time Ed > Yodelittle > Not Coming Down > Wormwood > St. Augustine, Karma Police > Brent Black

Enc: It

Notes: * With Jamie Masefield on mandolin.

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Jim sat in for Lemondust...........oh my lord. That was easily the best one I have ever heard. The 'calypso' section was PERFECT with those xyzlophpone thingies.

This run was surreal in SOOOO many respects. I am sold on moe. They are going to end up getting more and more of my paychecks (as well as the cities I go to).


Titsteak Boochard

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You haven't been home 10 minutes and your already talkin about titsteak!!

great run, most fun I've had in a while. Really want to thank Dave-O, Ol' Titsteak Boochard and Jaybone....couldn't ask for better travel companions. Big thanks to Velvet for gettin me in and VTDave for giving me a place to sleep it off. last but not least thanks moe and nero for putting on kick ass shows. Best run ever.

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Yeah, that was a good time. Too bad I missed nero's whole set. Dammit, when is the world gonna get around to inventing transporters?

The Instant Live guys (who are great) burned us a nero instant live and I listened to it in the car. Yep, that was an awesome Lemondust.

Good time partying with y'all last night, and all week I guess. That was a hell of a lot of fun packed into 4 days and 2500kms on the velvetmobile.

Thanks all for the great times. And I guess on behalf of the band, thanks to all who who came out and supported nero on this run, and a special shout out to those who seemed genuinely as excited as all of us about this run. It sure helped make the shows all they could be. Princes, every one of you. Except the ones that are Princesses. Thanks.

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Holy cow! What a great week! I wish ms.hux and I could have joined the fun in Moe.ntreal but staying in Ottawa to work allowed us to invite Canuckduck along with us for the ride.

Thank you SO much to the entire nero entourage (you have one of those now) and to moe. for their awesome hospitality as well.

It was the BIGGEST treat ever watching nero at the Memorial Auditorium after seeing Trey and PLQ there.

I remember a couple of years ago watching nero play Valencias with Vermont Dave, Ms.hux, Velvet, Bradm, and Arcane. Talking with VD, we imagined the day we'd be hooking up together to see nero at Higher Ground without even imagining the Memorial through moe's sound system and Jay on moe.drums.

We'll have some more photos up soon and a 3-day review is on it's way from booche. I can't wait to see how he crams 3 days of moe and nero into 1200 words. heh heh.


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Guest Low Roller

I still can't believe I saw nero play at Barrymore's three days ago and it seems like it happened so long ago. It's gonna be a while before I absorb this week I think.

Good times! Booche I need that picture from the mall!

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These last four days have been such an unbelievable good time, cant thank the nero guys enough.

Burlington was a blast. It was great to see nero do it up on a stage that ive seen so many other great acts on. The Jim sitin was the shit, the percussion fit in great with Lemondust. moe. kicked my ass again (as usual).

Good seeing you again V-Dave, thx for everything.

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"Booche I need that picture from the mall!"


I am so fucking stupid right now, it isnt funny. Can someone explain to me how in the fuck that all happened?

Please, I beg of you..........at least I didnt lose 'my' soul.

(That's a great pic Mike. Seriously, Xmas is coming.)

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Guest Low Roller

What's the best way to cap off a crazy week? Play in a road hockey tournament of course.

How the fuck am I going to drag my ass to work tomorrow?





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