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Everything alright?

Davey Boy 2.0

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Has a lockdown of this magnitude every taken place?  Pretty serious stuff to be locked down this long.   One would think they'd want to release everyone before it gets dark, but since they haven't yet it sounds like they have no idea what or who else is still out there.


Hope they let you go soon AD!

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I was in the middle of a trial at the Elgin Street courthouse (almost literally a stone's throw from the war memorial) when a police officer interrupted to tell us that there had been a shooting, all on-duty officers were being deployed, and the building was on lockdown. So that was jarring.

I just got home a few minutes ago (7:45 or so) and there are multiple road closures in my neighbourhood and a police car just drove slowly past my house, going the wrong way on a one-way. I live a few blocks from 24 Sussex, which explains that.

Anyway, the impact on me had been minimal compared with first responders, etc., but what a sad and scary day in Ottawa.

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We had tickets to a beer-tasting which was cancelled, so it turns out this one hit a little close to home.


Which is a bit of a joke but mostly serious.  By which I mean we hear about shootings and the like all the time, and finally there's one right here where I live and only a couple of kilometres away at that, and even at that the most it affects me is that a random event I was going to attend was cancelled. 


So while these attacks are horrible and horrifying and increasingly frequent in a relative sense I don't see how it makes the life of anyone (statistically) any more in danger.

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