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What's your favourite cereal?


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These are from England,my bro lives in Scotland and sends me a few packages of this every two months...great stuff.

Sorta a tie for me....organic,no sugar,wheat or dairy products added.

Pertwood Organic Museli with Fruit and Seeds.

A blend of oats, barley and rye flakes, toasted coarse milled barley, sultanas, apricot, sunflower, pumpkin, sesame, and linseeds.


Pertwood Organic Muesli with Delicious Fruits.

Blend of oats, barley and rye flakes, sultanas, apricots, dates, pineapple,orange and apple.

Mmmmmmmmmmmmm...think I'll have some.

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oh man what a topic. i am a cereal fanatic. heres a short personal essay i wrote for my writers craft course at school:

I eat a lot of breakfast cereals. I'd say on average four to five bowls a day, and it's all basically sugar cereals, as well. To be frank, I've never ate a cereal that I didn't like, though as I stated I certainly prefer the more sugar-infested varieties.

I can nostalgically identify certain eras in my life with the specific cereal that I consumed at the time. In some cases, only that. For example, when I took a trip to New York last year I brought with me one of the best: Count Chocula. Now this stuff is the shit. If you're not acquainted, I'll introduce. Take Lucky Charms (everyone knows Lucky Charms). Take the cereal bits and turn them chocolate. Take the marshmallows and turn them chocolate. Now you got a chocolate party in your mouth, and everyone's invited. Back to the story, I had this box of Count Chocula. I brought a bowl and a spoon and milk as well, you know, the necessities.

This Count Chocula was like heaven on earth, man. Everyone else would wake up at the hotel early in the morning, run down to the restaurant and dish out six bucks for some shitty coffee, greasy eggs and an over-cooked portion of any one of three different meats of their choice. Granted, the toast was good.

Toast is, of course, usually good.

So everyone goes down to the restaurant to spend their measly dollars while I stay in bed upstairs in room 427, eating a fat bowl of Count Chocula and listening to some Monk to get me into good spirits for the long day ahead. After that I shower and they're still not back (apparently the service wasn't great, either) so I head down there and spend a buck on an orange juice, and there you have it: breakfast. More specifically, the breakfast of champions.

This is just an example of my reliance on cereal as a link with the past.

I know some people who claim to not even like cereal. They want something fancy like waffles or french toast or pancakes. Basically, they want to spend a half an hour making a mess, sit down and rush through devouring powder from a box mixed with water and formed into skinny little ovals, leaving themselves hungry when it's all said and done. Then they still have to spend another half an hour cleaning up their mess. By now I've been done for an hour, and hell, I'll just throw my dishes into the sink with theirs, they have so many it won't even make a difference.

I go through moods. Right now I'm into Lucky Charms. They've just released an updated version with ‘bigger and brighter' marshmallows. It honestly makes a difference, I like Lucky Charms a lot more now. A few weekends ago it was Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Last month, Apple Jacks. In my most recent summer I ate so much of so many different varieties of Cheerios that I'm off The O for a while. As I said, I go through cereal moods.

Occasionally in cereal boxes you get little presents, or prizes. I remember one specifically from when I was young. I can't remember which cereal it was, but there was these flash cards of the early 90's rapper, MC Hammer. He had these signature dance moves, and on each flash card, if you held it in a certain light and moved it, Hammer would start breaking it down, can't-touch-this-style. They were bad-ass, man, and I thought they were the greatest things on earth. I collected all four. I've seen kinds freak out over these prizes, parents buying dozens of boxes just to collect them all. And these prizes are just getting out of hand , I mean, you get computer games now for Christ's sake. Whatever happened to the good old days of MC Hammer flash cards? In the words of Bobby D., "The times, they are a changing.". It's kind of sad, actually.

Often the best part of a bowl of cereal isn't the cereal at all. It's the flavour-pervaded milk left at the bottom. I've always thought that they should market that stuff on it's own. They've got chocolate-bar flavoured milk beverages now, why not cereal flavoured milk drinks as well? It's a multi-million dollar industry just waiting to happen, and in a world where everything is capitalized upon, I'm confused as to why I haven't seen this yet.

Who can forget the cereal mascots, with their charming catch-phrases? Toucan Sam, Tony the Tiger, The Sugar Crisp Bear, Snap, Crackle and Pop. As far as I can see they're some of the few wholesome corporate poster-boys left out there. We don't hear enough of ‘That's Grrrrrrrreat!' anymore in life. And who can't help but laugh after watching the fruity little leprechaun prancing around like a curly- haired Irish midget on LSD?

Pretty much everyone I know eats one sort of cereal or another at some point in time. I eat all types of cereal all of the time. Im actually eating cereal as I write this. Breakfast is an unquestionable must. During the school year I occasionally pack it in my lunch. I'll eat a bowl again when I get home, and always before bed. My day always begins and ends with cereal. It's great when you're munching out, too, if you're into that sort of thing, which I am.

Breakfast cereal is an integral part of western culture. The first thing millions of North American kids do when they get out bed in the morning is head to the kitchen and pour themselves a bowl. And why not? It's wholesome, sugary (kids love sugar), and damn tasty. Studies have even proven that kid's do better in school after eating a bowl of cereal in the morning. But I don't give a shit about that. I just think it tastes good.

congradulations if you made it through all that. i just thought i should add it to this conversation.

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phish_stick..........there are no words.....you said 'em all best....way to go...

for me, at this point in life, its Vector all the way....however, i used to be a Cinnamon Toast Crunch man, and i'll admit to dabbling into Cheerios and Rice Krispies now and then....even Special K when my grandma used to live with us back in tha day.....

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Nice Phish Stick...

Ahh the cereal prizes... Remember you used to get little plastic toys that you could put together? One of my favourites was this little plastic, baking soda powered submarine.

I have a beef with fruit loops. They used to be my favourite, but have never been the same since the addition of lime and grape. Orange, Lemon, and Cherry was the shit, why fuck with it?

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hmmm...well it is definitely organic for me as i know just a little too much about what those major brands are putting in there...i won't say and ruin it for the rest of ya!

i like Hemp Crunch...it is so yummy! It's along the same idea as that harvest crunch stuff. But it is expensive so i don't have it too often.

Right now I am eating millet puffs with rice milk and I add raisins and sliced almonds and sometimes fresh fruit...like strawberries when they are in season. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

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When I was little, my favourite cereal by far was Rice Krispies—though I am now unsure as to whether it was the taste that I loved or that I was secretly waiting for Snap, Crackle and/or Pop to appear in my cereal bowl (since I also secretly believed everything I saw on TV until I was about 3 ½ ). I think it was a combination.

(I was also convinced that the face on the Oil of Olay bottle would speak to me if I stared at her long enough, but I digress…)

Then I got into the era of sugar cereals, primarily by visiting friends houses.. (my second favourite cereal at this point was “All Bran”, so you can imagine there wasn’t a whole lot of sugary variety to be found in our kitchen cupboards). Cap’n Crunch and Cinnamon Toast Crunch became my favourites then.

Mmmmm. Crunch.

Now I enjoy the stuff you buy in bulk w/out excess packaging from the health food store. Faux raisin bran et al.

Soon, I’ll be eating Rice Krispies and All Bran once again.

The cycle of life as expressed via cereal.

Damn, I feel old.

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as for sugarry tooth rotting sweetness,, gotta go with capt crunch or lucky charms,,,, or what about coco crisp,, remember that shit,, their claim to fame was the milk turned to chocolate milk,, now THAT was good stuff...

raisin bran isnt too bad either,, corn pops are tasty.

im more of a coffee/juice and ganja for breakfast kinda dude though

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I'm all about the organic too. I really like this one called Optimum that I've been buying for some time. In fact, it's time for a bowl of Optimum with Soy Milk right now. Follow that with some organic yogurt and I'll be off to a new day!

PS: Man did I just wake from a weird dream. Superheros battle. It took me forever to kill this stupid super-villain but when I did, I diced him up and fed him to the cats. Literally! The one cat didn't seem to care for it but the other cat enjoyed it greatly!

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PS: Man did I just wake from a weird dream. Superheros battle. It took me forever to kill this stupid super-villain but when I did, I diced him up and fed him to the cats. Literally! The one cat didn't seem to care for it but the other cat enjoyed it greatly!

man i had super weird dream last night too,,, i was running around someones apartment building with my 2 friends/comrads,, we all had ninja swords and were fighting ninjas floor thru floor,, we were almost out too but the elevater got stuck between floors,, we had to pry open the doors,, man,, weird dreams,,, i love how vivid dreams get when you dont smoke pot

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A few nights ago I had such a trippy dream....I was at the lake --- my one friend was in trouble, and when I went to look over the lake there were thousands of massive big hairy dogs running on top of the lake coming out of the waves, then they turned into Rams.....it was so detailed and graphic (way more happened but I would be here for hours telling you about it) [Eek!]

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don't like milk in my bong.... lol

ah, the strawberry shortcake cereal of the 80's was soooooooooooooooooo damn good. why that was discontinued (after SUCH a short period of time!) is beyond me.

and even now, when i am heading to the states i think of picking up that cookie crunch cereal, the one with the little burgler mascots? i swear, having that cereal available in canada for a minute amount of time was just a ploy to get canadians to tour the US!

regretfully, i don't eat as much cereal these days as i used to, but all time favourites would include frosted mini-wheats, golden grahams, quaker harvest crunch (pfft! you don't even need milk for that one), multi-grain cheerios, special k (with or without strawberries). i went through a huge life brand cereal phase once, but due to overload it doesn't excite me nearly as much anymore.

american corn puffs are better than canadian ones. bigger, crunchier, just tha bomb.

but as far as breakfast in general is concerned? one word: jimmy's.

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Originally posted by PalacePrincess:

american corn puffs are better than canadian ones. bigger, crunchier, just tha bomb.

so true, whenever i go to my aunts in ny im always secretly hoping that shes got the stash

another fun cereal thing when i was a kid was those multi packs of the mini boxes,, you remember the ones that you could cut open the box n dump milk right in there? use the box as a bowl? good times

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