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Esau Quote:

"I got a few by our friend freeker,who will have his chance to "stomp me into the ground" as he so eliquettly put it soon enough.but also freeker should have made those comments in his first post in this thread instead of goin off about somthing that isn't his bussiness or mine or anyones except the folks you were with."


(Before I Had seen his accusation about the emails)

WTF is your problem Greg. I was just scanning over our little debate from a while ago and nowhere did i find a mention of "stomping you in the ground" eliquettly put or otherwise. So what gives you still mad about our last little exchange, so now you got to stick your nose and shoot down everything I got to say or is this just part of the general attitude that "I'm Esau and I tell people what to think"

Does it bother you that bad when you don't get the last word or get made to look like an ass, cause it seems to, you certainly don't seem to mind doing it to others. You can give but you can't take very well.

As much as I had no right to get involved in the Cheesehead debate, you had no fucking right to get involved with me fucking with Cheesehead (same universal rules applying) it had nothing to do with you. I was just having fun at the expense of a fucking peice of shit like Cheesehead, a person who fucked over friends of mine, in a situation I know all to well from being fucked over by peices of shit just like him.

Still I didn't have the "right" to say anything. But you know what its the internet, I was high and I hate Cheesehead, even if he, to me, is just an avatar and a screenname. So mind your own fucking business, for once I'd like to post something on either board that didn't have you challenging me or trashing me right after.

Once again I got no beef with you Esau, but I don't take shit from anyone online or in life, and I know you're the same way. I thought we had this shit worked out before, you were on acid I misunderstood but I guess I was wrong. How was I to know that shitting on Cheesehead would incur your benevolent wrath. You really got to stop taking this shit so seriuosly

I don't know if this is going to enrage you even more or even possibly move up the date of my "chance". But for fuck sake you needed to hear it. Get of my ass Greg it's just the internet. I still plan to buy you a beer, even if it is met with a punch to my face, I don't hate people of whom I've never met.....except Cheesehead


PS - If there is some universal reason as to why you dislike me so much, I would love to hear it.



Posts: 537 | From: Ottawa | Registered: Jul 2002



Member # 228 posted 12-16-2003 04:49 PM


Stop your fucking crying buddy,the comments I refer to are those fucking emails I got awhile back,you think I am some dumbass piece of shit do you?Give me a break,the words were exactly as your crying when I was razzin people about phish....I recall it all to well...

"stop picking on phish" you said on the hub...I got that in an email right before you posted that,also word for word in the email, give me a break,stop taking things so seriously yourself,crying when I poke fun at a band I like(Phish),grow up man.I had the feeling those hate emails were from you,I was right I know I am,the words in your posts are exact as the words in the email,how dumb can you be or think I am?I was going to let it go until yesterday....whats wrong dont like being called on it?

I require no beer from you,nor want one,you will have the chance soon enough to make good your threats,I hope your as tough as you claimed,I love a good scrap,actually I require one,fear not,because I only hit once.

Thanks I needed to hear/read that from you,somthing that has absolutley nothing to do with anything that occured yesterday or the "acid" day.

Stop thginking so highly of yourself buddy,I had forgotten about the shit before,you really think you are worth that extra thought to me?

BTW,I know Jay & Alexis very well,so your point is invalid.

See the difference is :general attitude that "I'm Esau and I tell people what I think"Also,you never made me look like an ass,I wasnt making deals online you were trying,I had about 6 private message from folks laughing their asses off at you and me,especially since it was obvious that I had made no offer or thought of an offer to sell,buy,hook up anyone.You my freind looked like the fool,is why I never carried it on,didnt need to.

Truthfully,since my cancer I have worked to change things in my life,one being that I roll my eyes at people at you and the feeble threats that occur,well,got me on the wrong day buddy.


So for the record I don't know who sent these goddamn emails but I'm starting to get why they did. For those of you who know me, you'd know I'd need a pretty damn good reason to even consider sending threats to another human being, and as much as I do love Phish, that's not good enough. For Esau however it seems to come with much more ease and a sense of familirity. I'm making this public because I don't give a fuck anymore, I just wanted to pick on Cheesehead not be accused of the crime of the century(or so it would seem). Esau if you're going to accuse me of something, make sure that I did it first not just because one phrase appeared similar in an email...and if you plan on beating the shit out of me (which you've alluded to at naseum) make sure your doing it for the right reason, not because of some fake email but because someone finally talked back to you and you couldn't handle it.

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There was more than one phrase pal,they were word for word,I had posted them on the hub and it was pointed it to me that they were exactly the same,I didnt notice somone else did.

I never alluded to beating the shit outta ya,I just said you would have your chance and I only hit once.

Take that as you want.

BTW,if you recall I found the emails rather funny,I started a thread called "tales from a disgruntled phish phan",I could handle it,but it seems you can't.

And you may say what you will about me,many people know what kinda person I am,you don't...

Anyway,thats my say,I'll leave you to your crying.

Kids. [Roll Eyes]

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ESAU: Say what you will,the only person I ever accused of those emails was you.

I'm done with this until we meet and I give you the chance to back up your threats...

See you sooner than you think.


spooky isn't it, very chilling. Now he doesn't even want to discuss it anymore just wants to beat me to a pulp, how progressive, how 21st century.

Whaddaya say don't you think I even deserve to see this "supposed" email, so I know what threats I've "supposedly" made, so I know what to back up and what not to back up. Really Greg I'm flying blind here, having never even seen this email I have no idea what going on, care to share....feel free to post it here. Maybe it will provide a good insight into your rage.

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agreed. in everyday exchange, 90% of what we say is conveyed through vocal tone, inflection and body language. therefore, a typewritten post only contains about 10% of our intended message.

just because someone says something matter-of-factly doesnt mean they're telling you what to think. clearly, the only thing esau is saying is, "look at my tits!"

edit: i probably shouldnt say anything, but im really bored... really.

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This is actually funnier now,since you are posting as yourself,people do remmebr those emails,I posted them over six months ago,before the spring shaker on the hub.But alas I have long since deleted them,perhaps G at the hub could pull em up,if he still has some of the old hub kickin around.

Maybe you would like to enlighten the skank on these emails you said cheesehead sent you,


Originally posted by FreekerByTheSpeaker:

Very good Esau...Why do you think I was shitting on him. Just because he cut and pasted an article to gather some sympathy, he thinks people will forget all about the bullshit he's pulled. But more to the point, this little shit is now sending me threatening emails, it's cute really, and it illustrates some of the exact personality flaws that led to his downfall.

just my thoughts...which are %100 right

Wish I had them still now Trevor,but I don't so I cannot post em,but if we wait and be very quiet,maybe,just perhaps someone will recall them.....shhhhhhhhh

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No problem, Now where are your emails? I'm not getting suckerpunched over something that I had nothing to do with and probably doesn't even exist.


Listen up, "freeker". Seeing as you were the only one immature enough

to resort back to an issue you are entirely uninformed about, I've

decided to single you out for being a complete fucking reject. The

point of my post, was to raise awareness about an issue that I felt

deserved prompt attention, and most people responding to the thread

understood that. Are you so seriously desperate for excitement in your

life that the only thing that gets you off is reading bitchy comments

thrown back and forth on a goddamn website? You wanna say something to

me about some wrongdoing i've inflicted upon you, bring your ass to

kingston and tell me to my face. Don't beg and plead for others to do

your bitch work on the internet. Buddy you seriously need to get a

hobby, especially since you don't even know the reason you're calling

me a tool.

Feel free to come to K-town any time!



Mind your own business, sweetheart.

I've got lots of other friends that also wouldn't mind giving you a

good beating.

So back up your words, or shut your motherfuckin mouth.

And fuck Jesus. I'm Jewish.

Trevor wrote:

Simmer down kitten. Remember, you've always got a friend in Jesus. [Wink]


Look buddy, I'm not sending you messages to threaten you. I'm saying

that if you got a problem with me, deal with it yourself. don't post

on a public board.

that's it.


don't write back, i'm sick of talking to you.

Trevor wrote:

You're really easy to provoke, I could have a lot of fun with you.

Now, which words exactaly do you want me to "back up" The fact you

are a tool, my friend you are the one that keeps proving that point.

Now are you going to calm down tastycakes or am I going to have to

send you to bed without supper?


Tell me again why this was important?

PS - Greg just got off MSN with someone who says you've been blaiming him and others off and on for months over this email. Do you have any proof of anything, do you really think that suspition is enough reason to attack someone, especially when they're innocent. I guess there is no getting through to you logically, so I guess I'll just have to live in "fear" until you attack me [Eek!]

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I know this is NONE of my business, but I am new to this site, I am on just to find a person that made my west coast sci experience complete. I don't know what the problem is, and I don't care to know, but man, can't one of you just mend the fence here. I am still the happiest guy on the planet, hell, at hockey this evening, I was breaking up every fight that occurred, maybe this is a joke, maybe it is not, but I like to believe in my imaginary beautiful world, that the people that are apart of this scene are the examples for society,so man, forget the altercation, and go for the hug, and Cheesehead, if you want to use that name, than you better represent it right.. Because I just tour-ed out west, and it was all about the love, if u need to apologize for something, that would be great. Apart from that my friends, merry fuckin x-mas!!! "amor vincit omnia"

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This is none of my business, but it's written because I actually give a shit about both of you.

Greg, I don't know you all that well, but what I do know is you're one of the most stand-up goodest guys I've met out there. You seem strong in every sense of the word and you seem to want to use your strength for good.

Trev, I don't know you too well either, but anytime, and I mean anytime I've ever been around you I've always known you to be the first to offer up anything you could to anybody that needed anything; you're kind, friendly and generous and all around good to be around.

You two guys have never met (I assume), and I can only assume from your characters (as I know them) that all this ugliness started as a misunderstanding of some sort and it got spun out of control like freindly ole me gets spun outta control when somebody cuts me off on Bank Street (really, sometimes I go uncharacteristically and absolutely ballistac).

Greg, if I told you I knew this guy Trev like I described above, I think you would be eager to meet him and would be more than willing raise a glass or three with him, and Trev, if I told you I wanted to introduce you to this guy Greg like described above, I think you too would be more than happy to party together.

You don't know each other. In my opinion, when you know people solely from the internet you get half them, half you. It's only after meeting them that their posts/emails really start making sense. If you two get a chance to meet, it would be a shame to let this shit taint in any way what would be sure to be a fine party (I say this because I've only ever really seen you guys at parties or shows, so I assume it's all both of you ever do). I suggest you bury this bullshit without a word when you clink glasses for the first time.

Three post scripts:

ps even if this didn't start (or you don't percieve that it didn't start) as a misunderstanding, wouldn't it be waaayyy more fun to be friends and years from now laugh about how you almost became enemies?

pps if I do say so myself, I think the thread-rage/road-rage analogy is quite fitting. They say that road-rage comes from the invasion of your own personal domain - your car and the way you handle it. I think thread-rage is the same; it's an invasion of you personal space, your ability to freely use forums and the 'net - a violation of your online presence.

ppps Somehow, someway, I think Kung and I almost succumbed to animosity over internet stuff. Luckily we've seemed to manage to ignore any hint of it entirely and get on with the fun, which is way cooler.

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have to agree with Velvet on this

of all the things to fight about it shouldn't be a band or people not understanding one anothers sarcasms or knee jerk reactions because they're speaking in written words without verbal or bodily emphasis

if someone threw your girlfriend down or hurt your mom, ok hate them, hurt them back

I know Greg, don't think I know Trevor, but that doesn't matter

enough fucking hate and ulcers in the world already without raging over who said what to who

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Good points from all the peace-makers out there.

I know Trevor and look forward to meeting Greg someday (Nero NYE?). This seems like a misunderstanding of some kind that has escalated way too quickly.

Remember when the crowd was crushing the front rows at GD shows?

'Take a step back...two...three... four'


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I just find electro-arguements to be absurd.

I've had my hate mails, and I've always responded with positive words and even sent my phone number to 'talk' in real life with a real voice. Instead of getting to talk, I would just get another email with even more CAPS.

That's where I stop even trying. If you can't work things out in one email, it's time to quit and get on the phone or go for a beer.

And in my opinion, if there is to be electric name calling, it should be done privately to keep both people from looking like asses.

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I'm sorry if I did anything to piss you off Dr.Hux. Maybe we can have an open conversation tonight?

I could come over, I'll bring a guitar and some cheap Quebec beer and we could perhaps take our differences and put them to good use into a song?

If you like that idea, shoot me an email and I'll gladly follow up. If not, just let it cool for a bit, and I'll talk to you in a few weeks when the coast is clear.


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Originally posted by bouche:

in my opinion, if there is to be electric name calling, it should be done privately to keep both people from looking like asses.

I'll drink to that!!! The good people here at jambands.ca have given us the option of sending and receiving PRIVATE MESSAGES. Why make something like this public? So far the only people who are walking away looking really good from this thread are Velvet, Bouche, Sunshine and Paisley.

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