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Pot still banned.


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well, alcohol is way worse for you than pot is, and alcohol is legal. plus there was just some huge study done where they discovered pot doesn't even cause permanent brain damage, it doesn't actually kill brain cells. whereas alcohol does. not to mention the liver damage. and pot probably isn't anywhere near as bad for your lungs as cigarettes are. it's so stupid that it's even illegal at all, people working so hard to keep it that way are ridiculous. lol, mcdonald's is worse for you...

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Some critics exaggerate the dangers of marijuana smoking by fallaciously citing a study by Dr. Tashkin which found that daily pot smokers experienced a "mild but significant" increase in airflow resistance in the large airways greater than that seen in persons smoking 16 cigarettes per day.1 What they ignore is that the same study examined other, more important aspects of lung health, in which marijuana smokers did much better than tobacco smokers. Dr. Tashkin himself disavows the notion that one joint equals 16 cigarettes.

A more widely accepted estimate is that marijuana smokers consume four times as much carcinogenic tar as cigarettes smokers per weight smoked.2 This does not necessarily mean that one joint equals four cigarettes, since joints usually weigh

less. In fact, the average joint has been estimated to contain 0.4 grams of pot, a bit less than one-half the weight of a cigarette, making one joint equal to two cigarettes (actually,

joint sizes range from cigar-sized spliffs smoked by Rastas, to very fine sinsemilla joints weighing as little as 0.2 grams). It should be noted that there is no exact equivalency between tobacco and marijuana smoking, because they affect different parts of the respiratory tract differently: whereas tobacco tends to penetrate to the smaller, peripheral passageways of the lungs, pot tends to concentrate on the larger, central passageways.3 One consequence of this is that pot, unlike tobacco, does not appear to cause emphysema.


1. D. Tashkin, "Respiratory Status of 74 Habitual Marijuana Smokers," Chest 78 #5: 699-706 (Nov. 1980).

2. T-C. Wu, D. Tashkin, B. Djahed and J.E. Rose, "Pulmonary hazards of smoking marijuana as compared with tobacco," New England Journal

of Medicine 318: 347-51 (1988).

3. Donald Tashkin et al, "Effects of Habitual Use of Marijuana and/or cocaine on the Lung," loc.cit.

Also, the idea that marijuana contains more tar is based on the tar in tobacco vs the tar in marijuana leaves, which are not smoked. The buds

contain a third the tar of tobacco, and this is irrelevant to lung cancer because that is the result of radioactive tobacco, not tar.

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Thanks for the info 'Tuber.

To me it's all about ideology. Freedom of Religion and Freedom From Religion.

Keep a certain seriousness about it and it will work out fine. I don't by alcohol for minors. I wouldn't get them pot either.

The government (US) doesn't want us to be able to police ourselves or think for ourselves.

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Originally posted by CyberHippie:


Originally posted by PalacePrincess:

pot's not even bad for you.

I'm not so sure about that. I smoke it, so don't get me wrong, but I have a feeling it's pretty hard on your lungs. The government should give us all vapourizers if they want us to injest responsibly. [smile]

actually Trev

when i was 28, my lung spontaneously collapsed while i was at work

long and the short, i was in 2 different hospitals over 2 weeks

my lung never healed itself, so i had to have a lung specialist staple me up!

by this time i had been puffin' for 10 yrs, pretty chronic

the doctor told me I had pink, healthy looking lungs, and these spontaneous pneumothorax trips happen to slim, athletic guys usually under 25

i still burn like i ever did, even though i have an 80 percent chance of it happening in my other lung!

my life, my choice...i believe the doc and feel the herb has done me way better good than harm over the years [big Grin]

just thought i'd share my experience

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I think all the constitutional battles (anyone remember Chris Clay way way back?) are interesting reading but I'm always far more interested in what the man on the street is doing. By that I mean what are police officers doing to enforce/not enforce the law?

We'll have to wait and see with ol' Paulie, but I don't see this news affecting things much. I feel totally at ease with what I do in my own home because there are very very few police officers out there looking for people who smoke in their own home. The number of cops busting the smokers outside of Babylon who are being discret about things is also negligible. It would be nice to have a clear-cut mandate explaining what we can and can't do, but to be honest this is not one of my bigger concerns these days.

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it hasn't stopped me.

the more we whine and complain about how it sucks we can't puff tuff the more time we're wasting. anyone have any ideas to make pot smokers look more respectable in the eyes of the general public? the average joe thinks we're all chronic smokers that need their fix rather than people winding down when they'd like to.

when we can seem like people just doing somethng a bit different and not murderers like some telvision commercials would make us out to be (the smoking and driving commercials that are a load of crap) or druggies that think about nothing else then we'll be able to not worry about this whole mess.

any thoughts?

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rrrrrrrrrrr, that article pisses me off. pot's not even bad for you. the only people who have any problem with it and are against it being decriminalized are the ones who have never smoked it.

and YEAH, what ABOUT the message it sends to kids? decriminalizing it is going to send the message that HEY, guess what, you live in a country that doesn't have its head stuck up its ass.

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can't say it really makes a huge difference either way for me.....i've been puffin' for years and probably will be for years. I do this with respect for others who do not, and really can't see myself walking down the street blowin' a dube anyhow.

The legality of it is a minor point.

unless of course you have had the misfortune of getting popped...and i think that really sucks.\

its only a matter of time now until it is legal.

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