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One of the worst articles I've ever read....


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Some fans (collectively called "Dead Heads") go so far they are called "freaks" and are known to follow the band from town to town, spending most of their time getting high and listening to the Dead. Other Dead Heads often make light of them. But, the freaks are actually a rather tragic group of drug abusers, often kids and some adults with mental and social problems.

A BIG thank you to The Grateful Dead for turning me into the mentally and socially troubled, drug abusing FREAK I am today [big Grin]

who knows what kind of red neck, hippy hating, closed minded ass I could have grown up to be!?!

I think i'll go smoke a bowl and listen to some Grateful Dead [Cool]

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"But both the DVD and "60 Minutes II" miss the mark about the band members' drug use. The CBS segment reported on the band's "hippie" history and approach to improvisation."

This statement makes me want to shit with rage!! [Mad]

" The band plays an instrumental song called "Space" at every concert. Space is spacey indeed. It was created for people who are high on drugs and stems from the early days of LSD use."

Bullshit, it was created so that people would have a chance to go to the bathroom during the show and not have to go during Drumz

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I feel bad for this guys kids....

He's just gonna shield them from everything good, then have them run off, rebelling as hard as they can and end up in the back of one of those busses parked at the shadiest spot on the lot helping their old ladies (actually 15 year old runaways) find a vein.

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Don't get me wrong the guys a tool. But can anyone really say, despite the fact that he's saying it in an incredibly lame way, that he's not telling the truth or a version of it. Whether you call them 'freaks' or not there definitely are people that fit the description of being


a rather tragic group of drug abusers, often kids and some adults with mental and social problems.

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I love the implication that the Dancing Bear is a symbol of drug culture and encourages drug use because it appears on tabs of acid…Does that mean Jesus is also encouraging drug use by appearing on tabs of acid?

Actually, maybe it does…I mean, who would have believed Jesus was walking on water unless they were tripping?

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Originally posted by kung:

Whether you call them 'freaks' or not there definitely are people that fit the description of being

a rather tragic group of drug abusers, often kids and some adults with mental and social problems.

Let's face it, we all know people in our community who are self-medicating their latent mental health issues within an enabling framework provided by the jam scene. Probably more than we could even notice.
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last night I watched a show about hunter gatherer tribes during the ice age (which lasted from 38,000 BC to 8,000 BC) and they showed a place in this huge cave in france where different tribes would hook up every year or every few years, look for mates, play music, share stories and talents and basically have some fun... the guy running the show mentioned how they were inclined to indulge in magic mushrooms and other plant based intoxicants at such social gatherings "much like people in society today"

I think there is a truth to the article, but I don't like the way it dismisses jambands and their music as nothing more than a place for drugs to be ingested... its a time honored cultural gathering of the tribes that happens to work well with certain drugs present... and music present, and both sexes present, and art and other crafts present... drug abuse or anything abuse usually ends up with negative results... responsible celebration is a good and natural thing (over-celebration by people who lose all control doesn't impress me... but I love to see people have a good laugh and loosen up, maybe think a few new thoughts)

I think buddy's a tool who got kicked out of Dead camp for being a whining troublemaker and has had a chip on his shoulder ever since

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Here! [Wink]

focus of the show was to disprove the notion that the people who lived the same lifestlye for 30,000 years were "primitives"

a point brought up was when Picasso toured a particular cave full of 15,000 year old paintings where an amazing amount of inferred perspective was used to relate distance, Picasso was quoted leaving, shaking his head, saying "we've learned nothing"

another mentioned that police detectives use methods passed down from the tracking talents of those who could survive and track food during during an ice age

point was to say people who could live well in the world with very few possesions were actually brilliant

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I'm with you Paisley but also with you MarcO. I wholeheartedly agree that 'I don't like the way it dismisses jambands and their music as nothing more than a place for drugs to be ingested'. This is why I get my ire up so much about shoddy references to the jam culture in mainstream music publications. I also agree though that it is an enabling culture, admittedly with it's heart in the right place, that is often times mired down by the drugs that are supposed to release us. I think it's this seemingly paradoxical set of views that make people not get the Kung and what he's on about. We have a nasty habit of adopting a 'you're either with us or against us' attitude that really needs to stop. I would love to read something in a 'straight' publication that really gets the best parts of our culture without dismissing the drugs whole hog. I guess I'll have to write it.

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Some good letters to the editor came in about that article. Here's some highlights:


I dare Plunkett to go to a Narcotics Anonymous meeting anywhere and find someone who will say he started using drugs because Jerry Garcia said it was cool. Drug use and addiction are too complex to be dismissed as being simply a result of our pop culture.

Why doesn't Plunkett throw a gasket over the six-hour beer commercial called the National Football League that airs for 20-plus weekends? Alcohol kills more people and does more damage every day than all the stoned Deadheads have ever done.

We live in a drug-saturated culture with every other TV ad touting some pharmaceutical or other, often for some mysterious, unnamed ailment. The single most abused drug in America -- even by teenagers -- is alcohol.

If Plunkett were as quick to condemn a country western concert where hip flasks of Jack Daniels were going down, I might take his professed concern with less of a grain of salt.

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"controlled anarchy"??

just because a bunch of kids are getting high and having a good time?

i'm realy disturbed by how someone could observe something like that as a bad thing. personally I dont think ill ever dabble into checmicals ever again, besides the odd LSD trip, because it just messed me up for a while, but realy, as im sure pretty close to everyone on this board will agree, smoking weed doesnt cause much mental or social diseases. things like that are caused by irresponsibility involving drugs, not simply drug use.

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Hellooooo Dere! My name is Chris Plunkett! Now lemme tell you all a little ghost story. In the nether regions of hell existed the Grateful Dead. They fed their minions many things, including dangerous Marijuana, and the scourge of all scourges...Acid! Can we all say that scary word together? Acid! The result of all this spurious behaviour was the Freaks, who ravaged the countryside with their diesel-powered madness machines and loud, melodic and improvisational drug-ingesting.

They were sad, but then along came our cheerful friends...Mr.Shiny Lithium, Mr.Bubbly Prozac, and little miss Zoloft. Finally, the answer had arrived legally and in pill form. Many Freaks could see the error in their ways and in following their heart, and quickly realized that their mental imbalances where the real "Space".

See kids, the moral of the story is you should only trust what your doctor tells you. Know why? Because he is a medical professional, and no one knows your mind, body and mental health than a completely unbiased medical professional. So that's why you should think twice before inviting dangerous chemicals into your body, when there are perfectly safe and totally undangerous chemicals available at your local pharmacy.


Chris (oh, my full name is Christian but I don't think my religious background would ever infiltrate my views)

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