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those pesky telemarketers


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now THIS is creative:

"when the telemarketer called soliciting the local newspaper... I told him, 'No thank you, I can't read.' At first he laughed, but after I didn't and then proceeded to scold him for his reaction, informing him that it was because of people like him that makes it so hard for illiterate adults to ask for help.By the end of the phone call he was wishing me well and good luck with the ongoing progress"

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I always ask them to hold. Then I put the phone down and wait for them to hang up.

I figure I am saving maybe one other person from a call today.

However, I guess that I might be depriving a telemarketer from a few cents. Does anyone know if they get paid for the number of calls of anything?

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Let me share a little story....

LMP that just happened to me a couple of weeks ago! This lady was soooo angry and rude and then pulled the Jerry Seinfeld. Last night I got told to kiss someones ass!!!

I am currently working for a company just asking a yes or no question...

I hate telemarketing myself...but it's paying my bills until my business takes off. All I know is I'm going to be a lot more polite to the people that call my house.

Just remember the people calling you are probably just trying to pay some bills and get by.

A simply ...no thank you...have a nice day..hang-up the phone...always works! [Wink]

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Originally posted by Sunshine:

A simply ...no thank you...have a nice day..hang-up the phone...always works!

I've found that "No, thank you" by itself doesn't always work, so hanging up immediately is required. When I haven't hung up, I've had several telemarketers keep going with "But why not?" Now, I'm all for being polite, but pushiness gets me asking "What part of 'No' did you not understand?"

For newspaper subscriptions, I take BradM's advice: "Actually, I read the news online." The blinking is audible.

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Awesome! I thought I was the only freak that liked to turn the tables on telemarketers.. I've only done this a handful of times, but I give them a conditional offer.. I ask them to quickly complete my survey then I will answer their questions.. they are all caught off guard, but agree for a second.

Then I ask them how much they like string cheese, and what they think of phish. "Don't you think trey sounds better after the hiatus?"

They'll never call back.. and I have yet to find a friend of cheese. Hmmm...

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Originally posted by Canned Beats:

you have to say you're not interested but getting mad is immature and stupid.

just say 'let's not waste each other's time any more' and it'll all be good.

Ok hippy...wanna a flower to go with that... [Roll Eyes][Razz]

I do think there is alot of joking going on in this thread....

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i used to telemarket as well. i sucked at it so whenever people did any of the funny stuff mentioned above i loved it. try phone sex, that is always good for a laugh, so is it when people try to sell drugs, that was my favourite because i would always accept. i still wonder why i got fired. [Razz]

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