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who's going to bonnaroo?


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We had a great time last year in lieu of the Incredible Journey that we went on to simply get there.

Unfortunately we will not be attending this year as we are about to take on the project of bringing a 130 year old building in a Heritage village back to life. Mind you if someone wants to sponsor us we will gladly get back on the road this year.

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I've attended the previous two and since I feel that this years line up so far is the best yet there is now way I'll be missing this one.

You can not beat Bonnaroo for the Bang for your Buck. For a little plug for one of the bands on the bill, if you like Mexically, surf, rock with a little bit of jazz check out Calexico.

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Too big, too crowded, too many line-ups, too many bands, too HOT!

sorry Karin,

are you going to make it up here for the Come Together Music Fest though???????? It is at a WAY better venue this year -> Lake, old growth trees for shade, WAY better dance area/stage. You should come up babe!

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Gator, its at Izzy's campground in or around Simcoe. Thats just my opinion about the venue, but i think there are a lot of others that agree with me. Gotta miss the old frontier town nostalgia but whatever, this place is better. I'm not even going to bring food this year, the food they have there is great and affordable.

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hey schwa--

i'm not sure if i'll make it to CTMF this year because james and i are doin bonnaroo and then heading straight to telluride bluegrass fest the following weekend. So, i'm not sure if i'll be able to afford CTMF too.

Hey boogieknight--

do you want to meet up and caravan down together? BTW, i still have the package of necklaces and beads you sent over a while ago.


are you going this year?

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Originally posted by -Schwa-:

Too big, too crowded, too many line-ups, too many bands, too HOT!

Sounds like you're getting too old!

Bonnaroo is absolutely the best bang for the buck that you can get. The bands are amazing, the sound is perfect, the organization is excellent. There is only one line-up and that's getting in: As soon as you're settled, you're home free.

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Willy, Willy, Willy...Just because someone isn't into mass chaos doesn't mean they're old. I love festivals, but you wouldn't catch me at one like Bonaroo. It's just too much. But everyone's different in what they consider fun. I'm sure you'll have a blast!!! The lineup is something else.

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