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Everything posted by bagochips

  1. Good news, this. I'll be there.
  2. Simpsons ditched by Venezuelan TV The Simpsons has been dropped from morning TV in Venezuela after being deemed unsuitable for children - and has been replaced by Baywatch. The popular US cartoon about the yellow dysfunctional family was branded "inappropriate" and pulled by the country's television authorities. Caracas TV station Televen has started showing episodes of the beachside show in the same mid-morning slot. It became famous for its bikini-clad stars, including Pamela Anderson. Glamorous locations The country's TV regulator said the saga of Homer Simpson, wife Marge and their three children flouted regulations that prohibit "messages that go against the whole education of boys, girls and adolescents". It said that some unspecified complaints had been received from viewers. Televen's manager may decide to show The Simpsons, which has been dubbed into Spanish, at another time of day. The station is showing episodes of Baywatch Hawaii, a later incarnation of the lifeguard rescue show which started in 1989. The serial, about a group of beach lifeguards, gained notoriety for its attractive male and female cast members coupled with glamorous locations and slow-motion running sequences. Venezuelan TV is known for filling its schedules with re-runs of old US series and Latin American soap operas. But the most popular programme is the talk show hosted by the country's president, Hugo Chavez. In an episode of the weekly programme last year, the Venezuelan leader gave a speech which reportedly lasted eight hours. An abridged version of the show has been broadcast every day since February 2007. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/entertainment/7338131.stm
  3. bagochips


    I buy Santropol coffee at Nicastro's in the Glebe. Some of their blends are better than anything Bridgehead has to offer, to my taste. http://www.santropol.com/pages/bblends.html
  4. Thanks for sharing this. I have been a fan of Oliver Schroer since seeing him many years ago at Blue Skies. I'll deffinately give a listen tonight.
  5. A Hawk And A Hacksaw: darkness at noon http://www.ahawkandahacksaw.co.uk/
  6. Maybe it was snowing earlier. I just woke up.
  7. Right on. I was worried we had seen the last of winter, but here she is, yet again.
  8. http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/astropix.html
  9. Holy crap is it that time again already?? Happy Birthday Brad.
  10. just a friendly reminder... http://www.theanimalrescuesite.com/clickToGive/home.faces?siteId=3&link=ctg_ars_home_from_trs_thankyou_sitenav
  11. Luke Doucet: Broken (and other rogue states) live at Barrymores tonight!
  12. Right you are, BWM. No mention of an Ottawa date on Steely Dan's web site:
  13. Stevie Wonder is opening the Bluesfest this year, according to a friend with connections to Monahan.
  14. I spent 17 of my first 19 years with a black lab named Bart and I still miss him to this day, 20+ years on. I'm sorry to hear about your loss. Cherish his memory and he'll be with you forever, man.
  15. Awesome show. I'm converted now. I remember stumbling upon them at Bonnaroo a few years back and I loved it, but then forgot all about them after the festival. Too bad they had no merch, I'll have to give Compact some of my money now and start listening to them a lot more. Jack and cola makes for a mean hangover though.
  16. I am pro sub-forums. Haven't we had this discussion a few times already?
  17. Filipinos warned on crucifixions By Frances Harrison Religious affairs reporter, BBC News Health officials in the Philippines have issued a warning to people taking part in Easter crucifixion rituals. They have urged them to get tetanus vaccinations before they flagellate themselves and are nailed to crosses, and to practise good hygiene. On Good Friday dozens of very devout Catholics in the Philippines re-enact the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. It is something that has become a huge tourist attraction, although the Church frowns on the practice. Disinfect The health department has strongly advised penitents to check the condition of the whips they plan to use to lash their backs, the Manila Times newspaper reports. They want people to have what they call "well-maintained" whips. In the hot and dusty atmosphere, officials warn, using unhygienic whips to make deep cuts in the body could lead to tetanus and other infections. And they advise that the nails used to fix people to crosses must be properly disinfected first. Often people soak the nails in alcohol throughout the year. Every Good Friday, in towns across the Philippines, people atone for sins or give thanks for an answered prayer by re-enacting the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Giving thanks In the northern city of San Fernando alone there will be three separate improvised Golgothas - the biblical name for the hill where Jesus was crucified. Four people there have pledged to have their feet and hands nailed to wooden crosses, while others will flog themselves while walking barefoot through villages. Sometimes people repeat the penance year after year, like the fish vendor who will be nailed to the cross for the 15th and last time on Friday to give thanks for his mother's recovery from tuberculosis. With long hair and a beard, wearing sandals and a crown of thorns, he is tied with cloth to the cross but also has nails driven through the flesh of his hands and feet, avoiding the bones. Story from BBC NEWS: http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/pr/fr/-/2/hi/asia-pacific/7305522.stm
  18. Agreed. Boycotting the Olympics would just be hypocritical considering the vast amount of business the world does with China every minute of every day. I'm pretty sure China doesn't hold a monopoly on human rights abuse. Most countries involved in the Olympics have some dirt (or is that blood?) under their nails, if you care to look.
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