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Everything posted by bagochips

  1. bagochips


    No I didn't make it down there yet. I've only seen the Liberty available in Ottawa. I have fond memories of drinking Steam ale at Specs on Mission St in SF, though, and would love to try it again.
  2. Yeah, uh, happy belated, Dave.
  3. Awesome. Sean Paul is opening for Donna Summer now? What a very strange arrangement.
  4. bagochips


    Spoken like a man well into his obient 24!
  5. bagochips


    Really? Thanks Ollie. I've been looking for those!
  6. bagochips


    I think it starts with being too lazy to walk to the fridge all the time...
  7. I was. Now I'm quenched.
  8. bagochips


    As cold as you can get it, is my preference. Right now I'm enjoying one of these lovely treats.
  9. That's an awesome album. Right now I'm listening to Calexico: Feast of Wire for the first time.
  10. Cool. Let's hope Bell loses. I don't really download much any more, but that's partly due to Rogers killing my connection speeds on the torrents. If they lose I'll probably switch providers and then maybe I'll get the service for which I'm paying, but not currently receiving.
  11. http://www.crtc.gc.ca/archive/ENG/Decisions/2008/dt2008-39.htm
  12. I'm pretty sure Bell just won their case in court, FB.
  13. You should do that every month or so, Velvet.
  14. What about The Ladykillers? Still, I'm a huge Coen Bros fan. Looking forward to this!
  15. Blane, Continental Coffee on Commercial Drive. Also, despite the erratic service and potentially long wait, House of Dosa (1391 Kingsway) makes killer south Indian food. http://www.straight.com/article-76633/the-quest-for-real-south-indian-food http://vancouvereatsout.com/continental-coffee/
  16. Welcome to your new life in hell, courtesy of Narita Airport Security....
  17. An unwitting passenger arriving at Japan's Narita airport has received 142g of cannabis after a customs test went awry, officials say. A customs officer hid a package of the banned narcotic in a side pocket of a randomly chosen suitcase in order to test airport security. Sniffer dogs failed to detect the cannabis and the officer could not remember which bag he had put it in. Anyone finding the package has been asked to contact customs officials. "This case was extremely regrettable. I would like to deeply apologise," said Narita International Airport's customs head Manpei Tanaka. Strict laws The customs officer conducted the test on a passenger's bag against regulations. Normally a training suitcase is used. "I knew that using passengers' bags is prohibited, but I did it because I wanted to improve the sniffer dog's ability," the officer was quoted as saying. "The dogs have always been able to find it before... I became overconfident that it would work," he said. Japan has strict laws against drugs and possession of small amounts of cannabis can lead to a prison sentence. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/7419969.stm
  18. Picked up a couple of kitchen chairs for $5 each and a few vases and that's about it. There were some nice things to be had, but not like in years past. Had an awesome two hour lunch on a patio at a wine bar on 4th and then got smashed in the back yard with the neighbours. Not a bad way to spend a Saturday afternoon.
  19. Fun doesn't come to die in Ottawa during Bluesfest. It comes for a much needed rest on a comfy lawn chair.
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