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Everything posted by AD

  1. I am everywhere else Seriously though - an aquarium? a hotel? formal gardens? a retail and restaurant complex - (That's what the Glebe and OOS is!) an ultimate disc field? I like the refurbed arena, exhibition hall, and soccer fields. I don't really give a shit about the stadium unless MLS goes there (which won't happen).
  2. Yes, I pay money to see the opposing team's coach. Fuck that. I looked this morning to see what the ticket situation was like for the Sens / Coyotes tonight, the only place I could get a pair of tickets was standing room. Singles were still available down low. Also, I looked at Montreal's ticket sales site this afternoon and not all their games are sold out either. OMG - This means that the Habs fans are fairweather fans who something something who cares what the end of the sentence says anyways blah blah blah
  3. the byward market colour-coded sticker thing is nonsense, none of the vendors really understand how it is supposed to work. i really enjoy the thursday and sunday Ottawa Farmer's Market So much good food there. And a petting zoo. And big horses!!
  4. i've never been a Leaf fan. Oh, I get it. You've moved on to blanket statements a day early.
  5. yes but it's not like attendance is down significantly at all. here's some stats
  6. oh shit, the Habs are 3rd overall after 4 games. Maybe that entitles all this retarded righteousness
  7. i'm still confused by your argument here. what is the problem with buying tickets at a discount?
  8. there is a perfect downtown natural amphitheatre already, i walked by it every day on the way to bluesfest. it's perfect. right near the kayak course. beautiful. does the NCC own that land?
  9. why the fuck does lansdowne need an aquarium, an amphitheatre, and a hotel? fuck. why the fuck does downtown need an ultimate field? put down sod, plant trees, DONE.
  10. yeah i found an attendance stats site that kind of refuted what the star article said. to be fair, the star said that there were empty seats but i'm not sure if they were inferring that paid attendance was down. the team was shit so it's a fair assumption, but there's no way to tell. who knows. anyways. moving on. i'm right you're wrong. all of you.
  11. Selling tickets at a discount is not the same as giving them away. Try and find a place to park your ass when all the tickets have been bought. You’ll see the rink is more than half full Aw, you didn’t realise. We all noticed that. Melnyk hasn’t done too badly for himself. He’s done more than Gillet I don’t know anything about that, but given your record in this conversation I feel pretty good disagreeing with you. Chances are I’m right. Maybe you should have gone earlier.
  12. remember when the nobody wanted to buy the habs six years ago, they missed the playoffs 4 years out of 5, and there were 6000 empty seats at the games? I don't*, because i don't give a fuck about your team, and certainly didn't 6 years ago, but that's what happened. is it relevant? maybe not. but it's the same shit you're bringing up here for no reason. * it was in the toronto star today
  13. no, that's not the case. the very first day tickets were on sale those tickets were 50% off. it wasn't a case of "oh the tickets aren't selling, let's mark them down" same for the florida game next week.
  14. AD

    New LPC Leader?

    I like Tobin as a choice. I bought my car from his daughter and he did the test drive with me. Then gave me a signed copy of his book because I originally asked for an autograph for my grandma. (But i don't know much about his politics, other than the Captain Canada stuff during the referendum)
  15. They've had one home game so far, and the attendance was 20,182. Reported capacity is 19,153. Perhaps a bit too early to start making shit up?
  16. you'd be concerned if your favourite sports team made it easier for you to attend a game?
  17. so what's your problem with a seat sale booche? i'm guessing you'd be incredibly insulted and worried about the Habs' fate if they offered lower ticket prices? would you pay double just to keep your ideology intact? and roller, yeah, we all hate where the arena is located. we even complain about it. and...?
  18. Dion, Harper and Layton are flying on the Executive Airbus to a gathering in British Columbia when Dion turns to Harper and says, chuckling, 'You know, I could throw a $1000 bill out the window right now and make someone very happy.' Harper shrugs and replies, 'Well, I could throw ten $100 bills out the window and make ten people happy.' Not to be outdone, Layton says, 'Well I could throw a hundred $10 bills out the window and make a hundred people happy.' The pilot rolls his eyes and says to his co-pilot, 'Such arrogant asses back there. I could throw all three of them out the window and make 32 million people happy.'
  19. if you can't find it can i have your phish tickets?
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