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Everything posted by AD

  1. AD


    My Mom is a VP for HFH Canada and she told me they were accepting donations for Haiti. And here is their press release.
  2. What season does it take place in?
  3. AD


    There is a good (but incomplete) list here One organization that is missing is Habitat For Humanity.
  4. Love Prefuse. You should check out Herren's other stuff, there is tons of it. I'd recommend Savath + Savalas, very good stuff.
  5. AD


    When do we find out which organizations are eligible? The next Q in the FAQ kind of addresses that. When I donated to the Red Cross there was a box asking where I'd like my money to be directed, the earthquake was an option. Perhaps other charities are doing the same type of thing. Or you can call your MP or a CIDA representative, or check with the charity. I don't know if they'll publish a list.
  6. AD


    In case you live under a rock, the Canadian government today announced that they'll match donations given to registered Canadian charitable organizations specifically for Haiti relief. Details here
  7. Apologies if this has been posted. I don't regularly read your drivel in this thread. http://www.mauvaisoeil.com/extras/gainey/en/index.html#
  8. Aren't many college teachers paid by the course, like sessionals? There are many many reasons why it's definitely NOT the exact same.
  9. Sigh. Yes. I was commenting on another post.
  10. [color:purple]you mean he won't come play a private party?
  11. Replace skanks with dollars and of course!
  12. Looking at that list, the only city I see is Barcelona. The rest are dead to me. Barcelona is alive!!!
  13. It's no later than 10pm any other night.
  14. I little birdy (Scallen) told me that Ottawa tickets would be on sale next week.
  15. March 13 would be a good ramble... The Levon Helm Band Guest Band, Allison Moorer (CD release) and Steve Earle Little Sammy Davis & Fred Scribner
  16. Tim Donaghy disagrees with the title of this thread. As do many soccer refs.
  17. geez, today's not even 9 hours old. How did you manage that? Nicely done.
  18. April 19, 2000, Mr. Ludwig is found guilty of five counts related to his war against the Alberta oil and gas industry, including blowing up a Suncor oil well. He and Mr. Boonstra are also found guilty of vandalizing a Norcen Energy well. Mr. Ludwig was also found guilty of counselling RCMP informant Mr. Wraight to buy illegal dynamite and for later obtaining that dynamite from Mr. Wraight.
  19. Nibbler, please elaborate on this. It's hard to glean the point you're trying to make with the "conspiracy" in quotes, the quotation posted above about the AEC / RCMP schmozle back in the day, and then your rhetorical questions-answering-questions that don't really address anything. Are you alleging a connection between EnCana and the RCMP similar to the AEC case in 1999?
  20. I read today's paper, yes.
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