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Everything posted by AD

  1. AD


    i'll be there!
  2. we saw security walk up to people with beers and ask to see their wristbands.
  3. The Black Keys aren't blues? Great read, looking forward to these.
  4. The album wasn't eligible for judging. They started selling it from their website and at shows before the period for last year's Polaris had ended. Meaning it was eligible last year, but not this year.
  5. stopped raining where i am in centretown
  6. http://www.ottawacitizen.com/Health/policy+buying+alcohol+Bluesfest/1771620/story.html
  7. amos the transparent -> black keys -> jeff beck
  8. AD

    Velvet blog?

    Booche is a widget
  9. Elliott Brood and Think About Life are playing Thursday night in Ottawa at separate shows in the Bluesfest Byward event.
  10. have a great rest of your day!!
  11. that's terrible. living in stratford i was just out of range for over the air transmission of CFNY, and i would love it whenever the family would go east, even as far as kitchener or new hamburg because there my walkman could pick up cfny. martin streek and allan cross were big influences on my early listening years. dave bookman came to be a semi-close acquaintance for a few years as he was best friends with my boss. i learned a lot from those folks. here's what streek left as his facebook status shortly before the deed was done, apparently "So...I guess that's it...thanks everyone...I'm sorry to those I should be sorry to, I love you to those that I love, and I will see you all again soon (not too soon though)... Let the stories begin."
  12. have a drink on me rock and roll ain't noise pollution she likes rock n roll TNT for those about to rock what ollie said
  13. I'm pretty sure it qualified for judging - you're right though, major major oversight not to have that album on the list. One of my favourites.
  14. ah, opportunity is on the screen of the beholder
  15. AD

    Wilco (The Album)

    yeah, funny how it hits people different ways. i had to leave wilco's set at bonnaroo due to the new stuff.
  16. AD

    Wilco (The Album)

    I made it to track 5 on my first listen today before I had to change it. it was so cheesy and corny. One Wing? blech I'll try again tomorrow. i want to like it, but it doesn't demand that i listen to it. it demands that i listen to it while vacuuming or something. i can't figure this one out.
  17. AD

    Velvet blog?

    awesome news todd, very much looking forward to reading your writings
  18. i think even the junos makes better picks than the shortlist jurors chad vangaalen ftw there were excellent picks in the longlist, but they went safe for the short. bah woodpigeon think about life snailhouse timber timbre La patère rose junior boys handsome furs belle orchestre wolf parade these are all better albums than 70% of the short list.
  19. not one question about price, service... check this site to get more details on those pertinent topics (for most of us, anyways) http://www.iphoneincanada.ca/
  20. AD

    Free agency FRENZY~!

    So Price is gonna make it through camp then eh?
  21. ha, he's supposed to be calling me in a few minutes anyways! i'll break it to him nicely if he hasn't heard yet
  22. You are Rogers' dream customer.
  23. AD

    Wilco (The Album)

    I think it's pretty bland and boring. I'll give it a couple listens tomorrow and see if it grows on me at all.
  24. yeah, it's a good album. not their best, not their worst. is it just being released in europe / the uk? been out here for 3 months or so
  25. i'll try to make it out to the ottawa show, but late-night shows during the week are pretty hard to do. but yeah, i'll try. sounds great!
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