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Everything posted by Velvet

  1. Velvet

    Bad Parenting

    I hope my post wasn't taken as a criticism of Schwa in any way, 'cuz it wasn't meant to be. I sure do know how to kill the funny sometimes.
  2. Letterman was funny as hell...I haven't watched his show in years. Neil is a weird cat I think.
  3. He was making a joke referencing their reputation for long songs. Still lame though - jumping in the middle of the stage during the drum break?!?! Although I bet that was Peart's idea.
  4. Waitaminnit. Will this be on at the same time as Rush on Colbert?
  5. Velvet

    Bad Parenting

    The internet often amazes me. Someone actually stood there and took those pictures. 'Tis funny though, if you don't really think about it much. Stupid brains.
  6. Never trust a woman with sideburns.
  7. I'm quite amazed that it's been that long since Rush played a US TV show.
  8. Yeah, I heard that too. Good on him for delivering a good show and not even hinting at being unwell.
  9. Great burgers too. Had forgotten that for a moment.
  10. Happy Birthday Mr Tonin! It was really great to see you Saturday!
  11. Definitely gonna see Red Volkearrt at 7pm tonight.
  12. What a great, great time. I was so happy to run in to such good people to party with and make some new friends taboot. The venue was outstanding and so was the show. Absolutely zero complaints, and every thumb I can lift is up!
  13. See, Mike is too busy to play video games.
  14. I was screaming exactly the same thing.
  15. Thanks for the reminder! My yearly Slurpee was cappacino flavoured and delicious!
  16. That wasn't me, it was David Lee Roth.
  17. I'm gonna try and catch Ball & Chain tonight. Old-style country yodel music.
  18. "The Black Crowes deliver raunchiest show Bluesfest has ever seen to mob of 25,000 fans" Somebody missed the Snoop Dogg show I guess.
  19. Boy, those hippies sure are giving those cops a hard time: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cV9s7rT1-iY&NR=1
  20. Ohhhh, bring the ass-grabber. I'd really, really like to meet him.
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