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Everything posted by StoneMtn

  1. Beats, I would be going to Garaj, if I were you. That's what I've done for the last few NYEs, and it's always a great show. (And I say that with an unblemished record as a staunch supporter of Upstream, but also a lover of and pushover for that funky Garaj sound.)
  2. Alleged Schedule: STTD/ZM 9-10:30 HIGHBALLS 11-12:15 VARMINT/ZM 12:30-on
  3. I'm usually not a big fan of public-private "partnerships" when it comes to environmental matters. Usually this just means more pocket-lining at the cost of doing a mediocre job on something important. I don't know more than anyone else about this one, but I do know that this cleanup was a long time in coming, and I am thrilled that this is finally happening; regardless of who is in charge. (Of course, I hope they do a good job, too, but at least someone is doing something.) I might even make the effort to SCUBA dive in Howe Sound again, someday, given this...
  4. StoneMtn

    Cool gifts

    Still got 'em AD? Perhaps we can meet at a library somewhere, and put on a little show. We'll be ever so popular; especially considering I have no real sense of rhythm. I'm thinking we could jam in the reading area.
  5. StoneMtn

    Cool gifts

    I got a really neat gadget. They're electronic drum sticks that play out their own little speakers, and run on batteries. A bit gimmicky, but I dig 'em...
  6. Got a link to his music online, Ross? Welcome to the board.
  7. Have a great holiday season Beats.
  8. Terrible news. Of all things, my mother has tickets to see him for the first time, when he was to play soon in Orillia. RIP
  9. Happy birthday. (I can't believe we've still never met - soon enough I'm sure.)
  10. I understand that this will be an early show, starting at 9pm...
  11. So, all I see on here for Toronto isn't in Toronto at all, but Hamilton. I'll consider that, but is there something happening here? Also, DJ Melba, I must apologize to you. I should have sent you some Garaj discs weeks ago, but I re-packed up everything to move into a new house. We are just unpacking everything now, so I'll send out your discs this week, but unfortunately that will not be soon enough to help entice your loved ones to hit the mainland at NYE. [color:purple](If it helps, tell 'em that I say they should go.)
  12. See. I told you I was there. I'm in that picture in the middle of the crowd, about 2/3 of the way back. Can't miss me.
  13. If I remember correctly, the scene outside this one was INSANE. There were so many more people there than tickets that they eventually had two entrances. One entrance was for those who actually paid for the tickets and was through the front-gate. The second entrance, though, was found by following the line of security as they directed you up a ski hill to enter through the back of the "stadium" for free! I can't say I remember every show I was at (to say the least) but this one stands out. I think that was my only Big Black Furry Creature From Mars, and I'll never forget that I was travelling with someone who I saw shows with far too frequently, mainly because he was available; despite the fact that he was always drunk to the point of slobbering and falling down. (I learned to deal with the embarrassment, and usual not-so-subtle questions from people we met, like, "So ... you two are friends?")
  14. More info in another thread on another board here.
  15. I was at this show. I don't have a copy though. EDIT TO ADD: Actually, I think I do own a copy, but it is currently on a cassette (or two, I guess) in Edmonton to eventually be digitized by LeshLush. If I'm correct about that (which I may or may not be, as those tapes may have disappeared over the years) you may want to bug LeshLush to pull those out and digitize 'em soon...
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