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Everything posted by StoneMtn

  1. Got mine. See you all there; for some Hallowe'en festing.
  2. Sonic Temple??? Awesome! I work 20 feet from Sonic Temple. Thanks Jaydawg. You are an extraordinary promoter, to say the least.
  3. This really makes no sense. The age of consent in this case is somewhat of a red herring, given that this was sex between a teacher and student. Of course 15 year olds are free to have sex in Canada, but teachers would still be committing a crime if they opted to have sex with a 15 year old student given the position of trust a teacher is in, so this would be a crime in Canada. Stupid, stupid sentence.
  4. Is there anywhere to get tickets in advance, apart from downtown in Toronto? (I just won't make it down there before the show, and it is my own fault that I didn't look into where tickets are available before today.) EDIT TO ADD: I just read through this thread, and I can see they're available tat ticketweb.ca. Is that a service that will allow me to print up the tickets, or will they hold them at "will call" or what's the deal? I'm thinking that if I order online today, and I can't do one of those two things, then it's probably too late to order online as the tickets wouldn't get to me on time.
  5. How do you turn that off AD? I went to My Skank and the Display Settings, but I don't see the option there.
  6. I'm adamantly against posting anything on message boards.
  7. I think that separate fields will come up for each of those, actually.
  8. I switched mine briefly, but due to popular opinion and request, changed it back to my original; until today.
  9. M.O.B.E. : I already owe ya due to a favour you recently did for me, so please send me info on how to get you a copy of the Van Morrison DVD, and I'll burn and send you a copy as soon as mine arrives from Alabama Man. Northern Wish: I'll gladly send you a copy too. You're welcome to send me something in trade, if you want, but not required.
  10. Thanks for that. I certainly will check it out (probably after the winter) and you can expect I'll want to hook up with you guys if possible. Do you guys dive? (Sorry about the thread-hijack; well not really, but I thought I'd be polite and apologize anyway.)
  11. Alright. I listened to the tracks on myspace. Good, funky stuff. I'll try to check you out live some time, for sure. In fact, I'll be moving to Thornhill, myself, in one month. (BTW, "Ontario" is misspelled on your myspace profile. I'm only pointing it out, because some people may be searching for "Ontario" bands, and missing you guys because of it.)
  12. edger, what's Tobermory like? All I've ever heard about it is that it's the place in Ontario that SCUBA divers go. What else is there? Like, why would people go there? (I plan to dive there some time, so I'm curious what Tobermory is. For instance, is that the name of a town? A park? A lake?)
  13. The only problem is that he could email innumerable copies of those tickets to people. Only the first person who shows up with copies of those will get in. Or else, he's fully honest. No way to know, really.
  14. Awesome! You'll have a splendid time; my friend.
  15. Garaj at NYE has become a tradition for me, at this point. I'll be thinking of you and the rest of the Westerners that night Melba. You'll love it. (Have you not seen Garaj before? I'm guessing you must have?) Oh, and for those who may not be in the loop, the NYE Garaj show is at The Fairview in Vancouver. (The date should be self-evident.)
  16. This isn't really a petition. Unless the site is lying to us (which I really don't know) every time you click on that link, and then the link that comes up, sponsors donate some animal food to a shelter. I'm also trying to remember when I commented on online petitions. I probably didn't put it in exactly those terms, but I do question their effectiveness in most circumstances; for the reason (inter alia) that it's impossible to confirm who the signatories are. That's my opinion, anyway. BTW: As an aside, I actually did participate in the petition supporting the Ruby Lake Amphitheatre (Bonfire site for you non-Westerners). I tend to doubt it will help, but I also can't see how my participation can hurt.
  17. Well, I own c-towns; ergo I truly own this board. werd.
  18. Do you want any of these? One is on my couch, and the other two from a show; both in Vancouver.
  19. Alright. Those are some helpful comments. Thanks. I actually already listened to some songs on pavlo.net, and watched an interview promising belly dancers and salsa dancers tonight, before I posted. His instrumental tunes are quite good, but the songs with vocals that I've heard weren't so much to my liking. I'm going. 9th row floors. I'm sure I'll be glad I went.
  20. I've been offered to see this guitarist tonight for free. It sounds like pretty standard flamenco guitar. He's from Toronto, with Greek roots, and I guess he's somewhat known world-wide, although I'd never heard of him before. I think I'll probably go. Any knowledge of or opinions on this guy?
  21. Uh ... something by "Otto" the bus-driver perhaps?
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