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The Chameleon

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Everything posted by The Chameleon

  1. Then we're all in deep fucking trouble..including yourself although you may not realize it. P.S. if there actually was an "anything but Conservative party" I think a tonne of people would vote for them..no joke. It's that bad right now.
  2. Awesome! I love when the Ottawa citizen guy says "I'm surprised your so surprised to find out people feel that way". The FOX chick (who actually could be a porn star) look lost for words.. Guess what U.S.A. it sucks when peopl have free speech and are not afraid or stopped from using it. Way to go CBC!
  3. [color:black]Canada's Population Total pop: 31,752,842 (estimated 2004) By City: (Polled 2002) (metro) Toronto, Ontario 5,029,900 (metro) Montreal Quebec 3,548,800 (metro) Vancouver, British Columbia 2,122,700 Ottawa-Hull, Ontario-Quebec 1,128,900 Calgary, Alberta 993,200 Edmonton, Alberta 967,200 Quebec (city), Quebec 697,800 Winnipeg, Manitoba 677,800 Hamilton, Ontario 657,800 London, Ontario 416,000 Kitchener, Ontario 408,500 Halifax, Nova Scotia 348,900 Victoria, British Columbia 316,800 Windsor, Ontario 295,900 Oshawa, Ontario 287,500 Saskatoon, Saskatchewan 229,500 Regina, Saskatchewan 199,200 St. John's, New Foundland 175,200 Chicoutimi-Jonquière, Quebec 141,900 Trois-Rivieères, Quebec 141,900 Thunder Bay, Ontario 127,500 Saint John, New Brunswick 127,500 Total city/urban population: 19,026,000 [color:red]So approximately 60% of Canada's population live in cities, perhaps more. I restricted my examples to only cities with populations above 100,000. Now some in these smaller cites actually may vote conservative but I would hazard to say the majority don't. Therefore the conservatives, their values and policies do not reflect nor are they in line with the majority of Canadians. Please use accurate data in the future when defending the conservative agenda. Canada legal info: refference canada
  4. Bitchin'!! I love the CBC they've have been real swell to us recently. Thanks for the post Good Rev and I think the show this Saturday is gonna be huge! :content: :content: :content: :content:
  5. Not at all. The whole country exists within the cities and outside it in the rural areas as a whole. The stone cold truth is that within the cities I mentioned, and also including Calgary ,resides the majority of this countries population. It is also these cities, with Toronto in the lead, that generate the lion's share of the money that runs the rest of the country. So it is pretty hard to swallow when Harper doesn't even have the balls to show up in any of them most of the time and Toronto never. The cities need to be represented for those reasons. Folks in rural communities deserve their say to but not at the exclusion of the financial and populous urban majority.
  6. Not in the music rights/law world. I worked for the Canadian Musical Right and Reproduction Agency for 2 years and personally saw artist locked in by this, my father also owns a large music publishing company and they never let any of their writers sign such deals.....
  7. Then I am sure you and Harper are of the same mind. In fact he find's them so repulsive he never listens to anyone, much like a fascist dictator..only he hasn't directly murdered anyone...yet. Harper is the worst we've had since Mulroney, in fact he makes Mulroney look good in comaparison. Much like Bush makes Nixon look good. Harper is an enemy of Canada and embarasses us on a daily basis and shames this great land. If it were up to Harper we'd have oil rigs in our backyards, big-business prisions, 2 tier health car, expensive pharmacuticals and a new war on drugs. Some times I think this guy teleported from 1950 USA. What a douche! What is even more shocking is that no one in to speak of in Toronto, Montreal or Vancouver votes conservative, so really we are all just hostage to his right wing-backwards ass big business first politics... I think I'm gonna be sick...
  8. Faaak! I just saw this post now and tickets are sold out! that happened fast! I knew it was going to be announced but I saw nothing on the GD web-site when I checked a week or so ago. Dammit!
  9. The main question is what rights is he selling? and for how long? Is he selling the publishing? Performance? or Synch rights? My guess is they want to buy the publishing so they can reproduce and play over and over the song...If that is the case he needs to know who much he will get paid vs. how many copies they make or play. Also he needs to know when the rights revert back to him. If the contract says "in perpetuity"..which means forever DO NOT SIGN IT... Unless they are paying a tonne.
  10. Cool! Brantford desperately needs some culture. Hope it keep going next year!
  11. I'll see your pointless Sara Palin pic and raise you this...
  12. Thanks all. I think I will continue to vote NDP as Olivia Chow deserves my vote. I do not think it will be close in my riding as she is well liked here and besides no one votes conservative hardly at all in cities and Harper has totally disowned us time and again. And yes strategic voting is not ideal, but facing one more second of Harper embarrassing this country is waaay worse. I also wish we had another vote directly for PM...
  13. Thanks Tigger...we haven't been to Peterborough in over a year and it seems the time is right and there is some buzz for us in that town. :content:
  14. Hey Rick "Wish you were here". R.I.P. I feel privileged to have seen him play with Pink Floyd once at Maple Leaf Gardens in 1994. It is also nice the original Pink Floyd reunited once before he passed for live 8.
  15. So I personally think that the Conservatives getting elected again would be a disaster for the country, if they got a majority it would be "worst case scenario". So I need you help on how to cast my vote. Normally I vote for Olivia Chow, the NDP delegate in my riding. She has won in this riding the last 3-4 elections, she is a good person and really fights for my community and has personally answered some of my concerns when I have called her office. I want to vote for her again, but I fear I may be "splitting" the vote and by not voting liberal I am perhaps making it easier for Harper and his "band of retards" to get in again. So my question is should I hold my nose and vote liberal or should I vote for who I want NDP? Does either choice help or hurt the conservatives?
  16. We are pleased to announce the addition of the Gratefully Deadicated Soundsystem to the bill! The show will start at 10pm and included 2 sets of CP and 2 set from Gratefully Deadicated. Tix at the door. Gratefully Deadicated
  17. BRAVO! I am very thrilled to see a pundant making real calls about real issues and not just spin! I have a lot of new respect for Oberman.
  18. I personally love the counter! Let's me check in on her futility minute to minute!
  19. Man what a game! The Jays looked terrible until the 8th when the scored 3, then in the 9th the scored another 2. They had the tying run on 3rd and Rios struck out. Wow that was close, even though they lost this team means business. I guess they have to win the rest,... Good luck boys!
  20. Awesome! I am glad this happened. I was very dismayed that someone as progressive as Layton was opposed to this. I am glad the Canadian people spoke up and demanded this! This would never have happened in the U.S. :content:
  21. I think O'Reily should write fiction. He spews it all the time. Too much. I'd love to Rochambaux that guy!
  22. Playoffs aren't possible at this point are they?
  23. Cito is a magician! When he came in many laughed at his prediction he would get the club over .500, now they are on a 10 game streak (the longest since '98) and they are 12 games above .500. If only this had happened in July! Bitchin'!
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